(AP via NewsDay)
Kay's comments came as no surprise to Hans Blix, the former chief U.N. inspector whose work was heavily criticized by Kay and came to an end when the United States went to war with Iraq.
Blix said the United States should have known the intelligence was flawed last year when leads followed up by U.N. inspectors didn't produce any results.
"I was beginning to wonder what was going on. Weren't they wondering too?" he told The Associated Press by telephone. Speaking of Kay's resignation, Blix said, "If you find yourself on a train that's going in the wrong direction, its best to get off at the next stop."
This comment goes to the heart of the case about Bush being misled by faulty intelligence reports. If pre-war on-the-ground UN inspection showed that claims publicly made by the Administration were unfounded, why did this not cause them to question the intelligence reports that they now claim indicated otherwise?
Was Bush lying about these intelligence reports then, or now, or did he just stupidly ignore their debunking by UN inspectors? Seems to me there isn't really much of a third option here.
Either way, it shows he is demonstrably unfit to be Commander-in-Chief.
- B