********Toast the bush...hes done........
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By The Associated Press
Comments by President Bush (news - web sites) about Iraq (news - web sites)'s alleged weapons of mass destruction:
We are interviewing Iraqi citizens and analyzing records of the old regime to reveal the full extent of its weapons programs and its long campaign of deception. — Sept. 23, 2003, speech to the U.N. General Assembly.
Intelligence throughout the decade showed they had a weapons program. I am absolutely convinced with time we'll find out that they did have a weapons program. The credibility of this country is based upon our strong desire to make the world more peaceful, and the world is now more peaceful after our decision. — June 9, 2003, remarks to reporters after Cabinet meeting.
The dictator of Iraq has got weapons of mass destruction. He has used weapons of mass destruction. He can't stand America and what we stand for. He can't stand our friends and allies. — Jan. 22, 2003, speech in St. Louis.
It's important for our fellow Americans to understand that, when we're talking about Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), we're talking about a man who said he has had no weapons of mass destruction, yet we believe has weapons of mass destruction — a man who has not only had weapons of mass destruction, but he's used weapons of mass destruction. ... He's a threat and he's a danger. — Dec. 3, 2002, speech in New Orleans.
Today this regime likely maintains stockpiles of chemical and biological agents, and is improving and expanding facilities capable of producing chemical and biological weapons. Today Saddam Hussein has the scientists and infrastructure for a nuclear weapons program, and has illicitly sought to purchase the equipment needed to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon. Should his regime acquire fissile material, it would be able to build a nuclear weapon within a year. — Sept. 14, 2002, radio address.