• Pressure mounts on Blair as White House position on WMD shifts
• White House awaits Iraq survey group report to 'learn the truth'
• Hutton report into Dr David Kelly's death is published tomorrow
Key quote: "We want to compare the intelligence before the war with what the Iraq Survey Group learns on the ground" White House press secretary Scott McLellan.
Story in full: THE White House last night signalled a further dramatic retreat on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction as it dropped the repeated assertion that banned weapons would be found in Iraq.
The admission adds to the mounting pressure on Tony Blair ahead of the publication of the Hutton Report tomorrow, and raises more questions about the reasons why the Prime Minister joined George Bush, the US president, in going to war.
Colin Powell, the United States Secretary of State, conceded on Saturday that stocks of banned weapons might never be found in Iraq, after David Kay, a former chief weapons inspector in Iraq, said the failure to find such armaments led him to conclude that they did not exist.
Asked if the US still believed there were banned weapons in Iraq, Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary, did not repeat past statements that they would be found.
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