Note to MODs..
This is listed in the NEWS section of today's Star Tribune..not the editorials.. If you must move this, could I request that it move to GD?? Thanks.............. SCD :)
Freeper's take on it
This article is BEYOND THE PALE.. Please read it.. and write to the Star Tribune..please!!!
also watch your own papers for this new tactic.. Converting an uncomplimentary "editorial" into NEWS, by having the congressional slugs use Newspaper space for a FREE political AD...
Make them PAY RNC cash for the publishing of their talking points...
Norm Coleman, Jim Ramstad, Gil Gutknecht, Mark Kennedy And John Kline: Critique of Bush's speech needed an injection of reality
Norm Coleman, Jim Ramstad, Gil Gutknecht, Mark Kennedy And John Kline
Published January 27, 2004 GOP.EC0127 views expressed in last week's editorial on the president's State of the Union speech are so far from the mainstream of what most Minnesotans and Americans believe that they clearly fit under the late Sen. Pat Moynihan's observation: Never has the opposite of the truth been so precisely stated. Because of the nature of your inaccurate attack on the president,
we have taken the unprecedented step of replying with one voice....snip.....
This newspaper hit rock bottom right out of the chute by blaming the administration for "failing to grasp and act ... prior to 9/11" and that "mounting evidence suggest ... the attacks might have been thwarted." We've been in briefings, classified and otherwise, for more than two years. Unless this newspaper has some incredible sources, you're now spinning the same bizarre and discredited conspiracy theories that even Iowa Democrats rejected last week.
President Bush has ably managed a host of serious problems and foreign crises. ...snip....The
war on terrorism is going well. Afghanistan and Iraq are no longer ruled by maniacal dictators who train and fund terrorists and seek to export violence and instability. Libya has run up the white flag on its weapons of mass destruction program without a shot being fired.
Your analysis of Bush's domestic record was perhaps even less forthright. Contrary to your assertion, the president was again exactly right: Every person who pays income taxes received a tax cut. It's difficult for people who pay no income taxes to receive income tax relief.It's
well documented that Bush inherited a mild recession and a host of corporate scandals that had been brewing throughout the mid- to late 1990s. ....snip......
Bush has reached out time and again only to be rebuffed. Still, despite the increasing partisanship and bitterness of the minority party and its outside allies, he has demonstrated true compassionate conservatism with his initiatives to help the uninsured, ex-prisoners hoping for a new life, and faith-based organizations working to provide comfort and support to the needy....snip....
Sen. Norm Coleman and Reps. Mark Kennedy, John Kline, Gil Gutknecht and Jim Ramstad are the Republicans in Minnesota's congressional delegation.