This is the first poll I've seen/heard about the special election to fill guv earnie's vacant seat in Kentucky. The polling agency that this tv station uses is usually pretty accurate.
Democrat Ben Chandler leads Republican Alice Forgy Kerr by 10 percentage points in the race for Kentucky's 6th District Congressional seat vacated by Ernie Fletcher when he became Kentucky's governor, according to the latest Survey USA poll.
According to the poll of 572 people who live within the 6th District, which was conducted January 24-26, Chandler, who lost the governor's election to Fletcher last November, leads 54% to 44% among 'certain' voters. But among all "likely" voters, his lead shrinks to 50% to 46%. 2% of those polled said they were undecided.
The poll has a margin of error of 4.2%
The special election will be held on February 17 think our boy earnie is doing more to get Chandler elected than anything else. Since he's been elected he's:
1) Issued a no-bid personal service contract ($25,000) to a Lexington law firm that was a big campaign contributor (after criticizing Patton for doing it)
2) Implemented an immediate hiring freeze, then created a political position and appointed his sister-in-law to the post (after cricizing Patton for doing it)
3) During the campaign he promised to balance the budget by cutting waste and inefficany in state government. Since taking office, he's cut 2.5% from the re-occuring operating budget for EVERY state agency, including elementary and higher education, raided the restricted funds (that's money universities raise on their own) of our state universities to the tune of $41 million.
And that's just the beginning