Republicans have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block a Colorado congressional redistricting map that favors Democrats, saying the state Supreme Court had no authority to throw out districts drawn up more recently by GOP lawmakers. A stay would allow Secretary of State Donetta Davidson to use the GOP-drawn map for the November elections, which includes two hotly contested races in the 3rd and 7th congressional districts.
“This judicial usurpation of the legislature’s plenary power over congressional redistricting squarely conflicts with the elections clause and necessitates prompt corrective action,” according to the motion filed Monday by Michael Carvin, who was hired by Republicans to pursue the case.
The state’s bitter redistricting fight dates back to 2002, when a state judge drew congressional boundaries because lawmakers failed to do so in time for that year’s general election.
A year ago, the GOP-dominated legislature responded by pushing through a new map that gave the party an edge in the 3rd and 7th districts. The map added Democrats to two districts where they were already strong and reduced Democrats in other districts where Republicans now hold office.,1413,36~53~1918279,00.html