Well someday property defense will not be a defense worth much. If we keep on being selfish,in denial, arrogant and irresponsible concerning the kind of culture we are creating by the choices each of us makes that add up into a society and we refuse to curb our consumerism on our own initiative, and see beyond our own assholes..soon if we do not slow down and find some satisfaction in each other,our lives,and appreciate what we already have, eventually there will be nothing left for anyone to consume.Our current way of life cannot sustain itself on a planet of limited resources.If we don't stop this push for more,and stop this push for growth and stop taking away more than we give back to this planet,to other people,to each other something else will stop us. Like an addict we will hit our bottom. If it is not a bottom brought home by the angry slaves making our shoes causing havoc or people in other countries sick of being abused by our military so our companies can steal their oil,Or kids shattering the windshields of SUV's it will be the planet itself refusing to function because we have taken away and consumed to 'grow' the economy' and 'better' our civilization, mechanisms we exploited as'resources' selfishly not knowing what purpose they serve to the planet's health, that kept the ecosystem balanced that we in our collective anthropocentric hubris were not humble enough to admit we know nothing about why it is there to begin with.
Our arrogance that this planet is ours to consume has made us act like cancer tweeds our own home.
If cells in our body grow out of control we panic and try everything to stop that growth because it could kill us.We apparently favor production and growth over our own continued existence in our cultures And we do not see this way of thinking as malignant? To me that sounds like the way a cancer thinks if it thinks at all.
Growth and that includes population,capital,consumer,and all other growth states that we hope go on forever is the same thing that makes cancer dangerous to a human body.Cancer is basically unstoppable growth.Corporations are like cancers on this Earth,they create dead zones around their operations,toxic wastelands,and some make broken communities, some make broken hearts and homes.
Some people that corporations exploit to satisfy consumer(our) demands do not want what we have.They reject our glittery but toxic national mental illness and our depravity that we call "our way of life". This way of life is sick and the people outside of it can see us from another perspective because they are not participating in our culture. Who do the slaves complain to when no one cares about them? Who listens to expendable people? Who listens to commodities? Unless that commodity stops being profitable to whomever is expending them?
Will we take responsible action against exploitation of life when Americans are made into another 3rd world commodity? We whine about outsourcing now yet we do not hold CEO responsible for their choices to ship out and be cheep or ourselves either.We still buy their shit because like them we rather be cheep, rather than do without! And we will all work for cheep,especially if slaves undercut us and we refuse to stop depending on corporate masters telling us how to live. If we choose to buy the appearance of integrity instead of actually living in an ethical way to each other we are slaves in our hearts. Under the window dressings of image and products of American society I more often than not see sad,depraved,disconnected,desperate people,empty people, people since childhood,subtlety and seductively shafted by the corporate world encouraging material wants that was made into a way of life. I see a sick internecine competition that was internalized inside a grown up kid that has been tricked by sellers of trinkets, promising self esteem and love in a purchase.. growing up..still tricked into selling out time with their own kids for a good job, for an SUV and a big empty house,with separate rooms to isolate in, I see lives not lived, subverted and perverted self definitions wrapped around norms that never existed until we convinced ourselves they mattered,I see stunted ethics,warped integrity and a profound disconnection from others in pursuit of this consuming addiction.And I see denial,cowardice,conformity,insecurity fostered for a chance to look like a million bucks in each other's eyes. I see gilded slavery and decadent suicide amusing itself to death I see cancer eating up its hosts..And it makes me want to cry.
We will look impressive until we find ourselves abandoned by the demands of growth and the will to survive of companies that aren't even alive,run into the ground by CEO who are just as addicted to consuming as the rest of us. We the people have created this culture that says arrogance,exploitation,deception and selfishness is OK with us..And it is OK for us apparently until it invades our backyard and causes us to get hurt.Than we cry as we do nothing to change ourselves and change our way of life.WE go begging for a new law or a war to fix us so we never have to look at the dirt on our own hands! If you look at the horrific effects of consumer growth driven societies,on the human being you see something different than what the market says. If you look at cost in a framework other than profits and prices.. you will see another side of it all. A side CEO and CNBC will not dare factor into their assessments of 'sucess'and cost. Companies paint such a rosy picture to sell themselves to us if they told the truth of what they do would we always line up for more?
The cost for this way of life is expensive,as real as asthma in our kids,real as hopeless workers with no life outside the job shooting people he felt betrayed him at work, or our own kids turning to drugs to fill a hole in their hearts where mom and dad should be to listen and care but their at work again. The cost I am speaking of is the human spirit-cost,the emotional cost, the social cost,the cost to our communities and the cost to future on a limited planet. And we can choose to stop this if we'd just say no to taking/buying more.If we do not start saying no to taking more,and stop growing and consuming voluntarily,I fear we will get some sort of intervention from elsewhere to make us stop it. Intervention can be some sort of a collective unconscious survival mechanism,an answer to our cry for help from our very core truth we have denied is real for so long.The truth that what we choose right down to what car we drive or where we get our Teeshirts to what TV shows we watch does effect others lives around us.So literally we are responsible for each other's well being,personally and collectively as much as our own.This is what we refuse to hear and take seriously.Being responsible means no one is a bystander. In this case not getting involved is being a bystander to other's suffering.Help means DOING SOMETHING to Help another person like you would want to be help yourself if you were in that situation.Help means involving yourself personally in another person's life even if it does not profit you,even if it means sharing what you have if it can alleviate someones pain or poverty and accepting you may NEVER see a return on the 'investment be thanked for your material favors or ever control the outcome of your efforts. You just have to trust in your own motives and give without want of control or selling something as an "exchange". This sharing scares the shit out of greedy people who always ask what do I get back when they offer help for a price.That is not help it's a business. That business mentality is cheap fake caring,A corporate imitation of compassion only looks like compassion because the'giver'never has to touch the human faces on suffering and forget his own greed.It's easy to be greedy and cheap in this consumer culture we made helped create..Sometimes you have to choose to change yourself and change your perspectives to change this culture and sometimes it's scary and it gives you NOTHING back. Don't you realize this "exchange" game in our culture is deadly?
When people change into another way of life..some speak of feeling like an addict coming off a habit..craving,wanting an escape to the way it was.This is how it feels when changes happen,and realizing society is hitting bottom, accepting the way it was isn't possible anymore this can cause emotional crisis.Especially in people who find comfort in keeping things appearing the same way pretending like changes can't happen to them.
As humanity wakes up to what we have done to ourselves as a species we will want to run away from it like usual.During the depression rich men corporate barons jumped from windows and died rather than be poor. Some people's lives are so cheap they will die rather than lose the job,big house and SUV.
Change happens as the impact of our own mortality and our bad choices are closing in on us,than we look at options we wouldn't consider when we were comfortable with ourselves. We may begin to see all we have lost inside ourselves in pursuit of more of what we never needed.Introspection brings our chosen irresponsibilities back to us every time and someday there will be nowhere to run to avoid it all except a grave or to change ourselves and try different way of life.
Sadly it will not be pretty to watch this awakening,and it will be a huge task to clean up and repair all the destruction that our way of life ,this same addiction we passed on to others for generations hits a wall ...there is no more to consume,all is waste.And all the denied the psychological wounds and dysfunction ,relationship problems and pain will be incredible once the cultural escapes are inaccessible.What happens when mentally ill people who look normal can't escape,work,buy,watch TV,or drive away from their psychic pain.What happens when people have to stop,be quiet,feel and get to know their own internal emotional landscapes,and relate to one another as equals without material trappings covering up who they are with what they bought?
We as a species have been in denial of so much harm our way of life has caused,for so long,we may not be able to make amends to all the things we harmed and give back what we stole on our way down to the reality that everything we do and live with really begins and ends with our choices about how we live our lives and what we value in our actions.Words are indeed cheap when people cheapen themselves.
So when I see some sad scared kids busting up an SUV,I see kids angry that they will inherit the ever worsening mess their parents would not stop creating.It's so easy to scream vandal,and call them Eco-terrorists and scapegoat them rather than look at yourself and your contributions to their despair. Like moral cowards and addicts do blaming the victim when they hurt someone for a fix of'more'...Those kids are a symptom of our sickness saying something about the state of our culture's insanity in a clumsy ineffective way. They are trying to fight for sanity but they too are sick,struggling to be heard somehow lost in a bigger,deeper far more dangerous social sickness manifested by masses of individuals that have lost the capacity to feel the effects on other's of their own irresponsibility and addictive consumption that the SUV has become a symbol for.
Wake up people, we are consuming ourselves and each other to death.Long ago consumption was a term for a undetermined wasting disease,like cancer. Nowadays consumption is called a way of life.