Senators to Request Extension for 9/11 Panel
By Philip Shenon
The New York Times
January 30, 2004 WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 - The two key Senate authors of the bill that created an independent commission to investigate the Sept. 11 attacks said Thursday that they would introduce legislation next week to extend the panel's deadline by eight months, to next January.
The senators, John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Joseph I. Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, said they were prepared to fight for the extension over the opposition of the White House and Congressional Republicans. Both want the 10-member commission to meet its original deadline of May 27.
"An extension until after the November elections is warranted to ensure a comprehensive and thorough investigation in a nonpartisan environment," Senator McCain said in a statement.
On Tuesday, the commission announced that it needed at least two more months to complete the inquiry, raising the prospect of a report delivered in July, in the heat of the presidential campaign.
What a misleading article: the commission hasn't asked for "at least" two more months, they have asked for exactly two more months! Lieberman has totally gone over to the Republicans in trying to save Bush from the embarrassments of 9/11 before the election while pretending to be helpful.