ABC News/APArmy general to tell Congress on Wednesday that Iraqi security forces still need US helpThe Army three-star general who for a year led efforts to train Iraq's army and police units says progress is mixed and U.S. help is needed for the foreseeable future.
Lt. Gen. James Dubik was expected to tell the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that Iraq's security forces have grown by more than a quarter — from 444,000 to 566,000 — since he assumed command of the Multi-National Security Transition Command in June 2007. And, he says, the forces are improving their ability to execute operations on their own.
But the fast-growing force lacks experienced military leaders and the inability to train all of its new recruits, Dubik says.
"As I often said to my command in Baghdad, 'progress doesn't result in no problems, it results in new problems,'" he wrote in prepared testimony for the hearing.
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