September 11 Inquiry Could Become Election Embarrassment For Bush
Fri Jan 30,11:56 AM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House is resisting pressure to push the deadline of the main inquiry into the September 11 attacks closer to the November presidential election in a move which could embarrass President George W. Bush (news - web sites).
The US Congress originally gave the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States 18 months to finish its investigation into the 2001 hijacked plane strikes. That would take it to May 27.
But the commission this week asked for at least two months more to complete its work.
"We are telling the Congress and the president what we need to do the best possible job," said commission chairman Thomas Kean. "Much work remains."
Investigators looking into the attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York and the Defence Department headquarters in Washington -- which left about 3,000 dead -- have reported several bureaucratic obstacles.
Kean, a former governor of New Jersey state, has highlighted how the Bush administration has refused to give access to some secret documents and for some top officials to give evidence. rate this story!
Also please see: Mariani vs. Bush 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani has filed a lawsuit against Bush and other White House officials, charging them with complicity in the September 11th terrorist attacks. Mrs. Mariani has refused the $1 million in pay-off money from the government-allocated 9/11 compensation fund. /