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Senior al-Qaida leader gives interview (on Pakistan's Geo TV)

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maddezmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 08:29 AM
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Senior al-Qaida leader gives interview (on Pakistan's Geo TV)
Source: AP

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A senior al-Qaida leader has urged Pakistanis to help Afghans fight U.S.-led coalition forces and condemned President Pervez Musharraf for arresting Arab and Afghan fighters and handing them over to Washington.

In a rare on-camera interview given to Pakistan's Geo TV and broadcast late Monday, Mustafa Abu al-Yazeed reiterated al-Qaida's claim of responsibility for the June 2 suicide car bombing on the Danish embassy in Islamabad that killed six people.

Al-Yazeed, an al-Qaida commander in Afghanistan, praised Pakistani tribesmen for helping Afghans fight — a reference to the Taliban-led insurgency in the country — but lashed out at the Pakistan government.

"Pervez Musharraf and his government has committed crimes for which there are no examples in the entire world," he said.

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ohio2007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 08:35 AM
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1. wonder how the story is covered in Denmark.
Must be a 'telethon' fund drive promo spot the AQ is putting together. I can't imagine they are begging for paradise seekers but,there it is.
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Igel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 12:38 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. It's local politics.
Best to keep in mind that most politics really is local, and "local" isn't defined as "the United States".

There have been rumors--denied by Pak military folk--of a large build-up of US forces across the border in NE Afghanistan, with resultant increased anti-American attitudes. After all, they may be bloodthirsty murderous militants, but they're still Muslims and therefore they're better than the infidels (by definition).

This is paralleled by increased pressure to do something about the militants, a report on the growth in numbers of "foreign fighters" in FATA, the apparent (tactical?) success of government forces in Hangu, and continued reports about problems in Wana and Swat and other places.

Baitullah's pronouncements against the Awami League didn't go over too well, either, except to the extent the Awami League isn't beloved outside of Pakhtunistan.

At the same time there are still mixed feelings about the role of more militant Islam. Zardari seems not to like it but can't say much lests he mimic Musharraf, Sharif has no problems with it (really), but they all have to say something. But what? Zardari reported today that the PPP have a "strategy", but that's not the same as a plan, and boils down to the same old rhetoric--"mainstream" and "uplift" the tribal regions, while promoting "moderation" and "education". Nice words, but when "education" is set back by the burning of girls' schools (or having them taken over to be militant madaris for girls), and boys' schools suffer merely the latter fate, rhetoric doesn't get you far. Another case of polio in the last week--because of the ulema's anti-anti-polio drive and general anti-NGO feelings--didn't help. Generally Zardari's a not real popular buffoon, with Sharif being a buffoon whose popularity's rising. Why? Because he challenges and boasts, not because he offers a plan.

How best to spin the various reports? Join them: The Arab fighters (mostly Uzbek, probably) are fighting the infidel forces, and only defending their Islam-given rights, nay, obligations. So Zardari's plan can't be right, even though the stuff provided to FATA would be great (as long it's provided under the aegis of the proper agents).

Even speaking in Arabic was part of the shtick. It's considered the prestige language by many, esp. religious conservatives (but not just religious conservatives), with religious political speakers going on TV and making stump speeches in Arabic even if it's not their first language.

In fact, the Arab fighters are merely victims, the spin must be, while trying to do Muhammed's work on earth. Killing and taking power. No, no! My fingers slipped! Spreading peace and tolerance, enjoining the good and prohibiting evil!
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stillcool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 08:43 AM
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2. This must be the #2 guy
doing a feature preview of the video's coming out this fall.
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