Washington City PaperIn an internal communique, Washington Post Metro reporter Robert Pierre lashed out at the paper’s management for running the ongoing series on the murder of Chandra Levy. Pierre wrote that he found it “unconscionable” that the paper would devote a year and 12 chapters to the murder of a white woman, when around 200 people per year are murdered in the District–most of them male African Americans. The other local murder that “captivated” the Post, in Pierre’s telling, claimed the life of New York Times journalist David E. Rosenbaum. “Also white,” writes Pierre, who directed his outburst at Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell.
Then Pierre puts his rhetoric into overdrive: “Seems like either an awful big coincidence or just recognition that, to us, a white life is worth more than a black one. I personally hope that people march on the paper and throw the papers back. It is absolutely absurd and dare I say, racist, at its core.” Pierre goes on to discuss how he wrote up a couple of inches of copy on a recent murder victim, but his editors cut it over space concerns. “But we can devote 12 days, thousands of man-hours, and a year of investigation to one white woman.”
Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. says he hasn’t discussed the matter with Pierre. Pierre didn’t return a request for comment.
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