needs to be said????????
This goddamn primary shit is like a boxing match with one guy, the democrat, having both of his hands tied behind his back.
Just look at it. Dean is virtually destroyed by the fascist run media for his "not ready for prime" time energy level after the Iowa races and Kerry is now doing the talk shows while Bush is given absofuckinglutley NO attention whatsoever.
Think about it: Dean destroyed overnight for the Press's emphasis on his loud speech and Bush ignored about the AWOL/Drug issue. Think about it.
What to do. The first thing is that Kerry should demand, and demand every goddamn time that, absent or not, equal time be to cover Bush's past. Then lay out parts of the incredibly long list of shit that Bush has done. If he doesn't do this he should just give it up. EVERY TIME!!!
Otherwise Kerry will be defending himself against somebody who isn't even in the ring and has his media imps throwing the punches. It is a pathetically hopeless situation to have yourself under scrutiny and every single goddamn thing about your opponent ignored.
I don't know if there is a way of leveling the playing field, maybe there isn't, but if there isn't then I think it as as hopeless as farting in the wind to stop a hurricane.
I'm not deluding myself any longer.
Kerry needs to refuse to discuss a goddamn thing until the rules of engagement are made fair. When he is on a show he should tell the host point blank, or in prior agreement, what his demands are or refuse to discuss the issues. HE MUST FRAME THE DISCUSSION. By that I mean allot equal time to covering Bush's past as to his and pull no punches. If he cannot get his terms then let the headlines read:
" Kerry refuses to play in a rigged game"
This is why I hate politics and am forever sick and tired of the way the Democrats just plough along like the game is fair when it is about as one sided as it can be. :grr: