It's kill the poor. We tell each other bush is insane, guys,maybe he IS.And what will we do about it? carry a sign,yell as the media ignores us all? worldwide protests were reduced to focus groups.Denial is not a safe thing to live with. When will the notion of IMPEACHMENT reach the people. What would it take to really depose the chimp king? he is really crazy,and I wonder would a vote matter? The Dem's that are "electable" are all republican lite and have no moral quandaries over the war,the patriot act they talk regret but where were they during the vote,they were sucking up to bush as he systematically ruined our constitution.. Are average Americans truly willing to let a lone nut case and his sociopath handlers make us into a rouge nation in our names for the faint hope they will strike it rich someday?
No more compromises for me.Compromises are selling America out.I'm no sell out.
Bush is a bad person, His neocon buddies manipulate to get Dem's to sell out their long range principals and compromise with him for short term band aids on a huge problem..Now because the Dem's refused to attack the evils in one bill for example, no religious fanatics can legally discriminate in hiring and WE pay for this crap for churches, yet,the republicans got to force the Dem's to allow bush to hate with my tax money because Bush threatened OUR welfare,He said he's cut the extension on unemployment benefits out of the bill if he couldn't get his way for the churches.Freaking cheap labor is what these re pigs want, they want a slave state and to kill off the poor the gays the non-Christian and have a kingdom of haves and have nots all fighting against each other sucking the butt of the 'king'They want America ruled by the biggest richest most heartless "survival of the richest" bullies their Friends the neo-con pigs.
So because the Dem's refuse to be honest and see this exploitation they caved to it because they don't know how to see this re pug controlled government has become a rigged situation,damned if you do damned if you don't.If that's what you got to work with don't sell your integrity out if you will be damned anyway,because in the end having an incorruptible integrity really counts when compromises with evil for necessity has brought dark days upon us..
Dem's insist on playing by the rules,while ignoring a rigged game that hurts the American people that operates outside of their rules.The Dem's are scared what I say might be true so they are torn between upholding their liberal principals and saving their own sorry butts in case they fail to win back the white house or they decide they can't do anything against the creeping fascism because they secretly half agree with it,Maybe some Dem's harbor a resentment over the failure to create a grandee society by social engineeering..those failures couched as 'social programs' that are hiding more nefarious goals than simple charity.Bush is decimating the social safety net that does work,as we speak because he wants Americans to fear and by necessity work for long hours for cheap for the rich..The Dem's seem to be in denial of this horrible neo-con trickle down scam. Why won't they take a risk of being misunderstood to undermine politically evil manipulations that the neo-cons do that are 10 times worse than any Dem did.Why don't the Dem's call the re pugs on their lack of principals? Maybe because the Dem's are also guilty of playing similar games of entitlement at the expense of the American people too..I dunno?? But it looks like they are and is that why they seem so pathetic?
When Democrats of all people, fail to call an evil an EVIL,they look like hell..When they toothlessly shame these arrogant but entertaining criminal morally bankrupt pig republicans in public they look so pathetic to a public so angry,so repressed, frustrated and confused because corporations control so much,and lie.The public is furious at being left out of the political process intruding upon their lives and letting them down.Seems all the neo cons can do is foam and blame everyone else they are told by pundits are the problem with society..Blaming others for their own misery and futility concerning not getting enough'sucess' to feel secure,so they cling to this imaginary image of a stern,rigid,daddy warmonger archetype and embody it too much to the detriment of their own dignity. The stern father,warmonger archetype is like the image Bush tries to project to a scared populace.The rightwingnuts eat it up to compensate for their own unacknowledged political powerlessness and fear to act like political adults in their own interests to protect their futures from a criminal enterprises that look so 'strong' saying ...just trust me.They are in denial as the trickle down we see from the rich smells suspiciously like urine.Because it hits the poor first the middle class thinks it has immunity until disaster hits home.
When will liberals be bold and wrest the public trust and support from the criminals by exposing the crimes for all to see? Can they do it when they are so compromised with criminals to the point they will not use their power to expose evil,and they can't see evil? Are they afraid of public exposure of their underbellies and secret backroom antics,business deals and buddy backscratching they do behind closed doors we don't know about.Can they try to at least pretend they are a step above the neocon trash in the white house?
Secrecy isn't just for "National security".Sometimes secrecy is invoked just to get away with something no one should ever get away with. And we will never know which is which until we DEMAND to know.One mans conspiracy is another man's business plan.. folks.
Why don't Americans realize it's all about the secret deals between the competing factions of the arrogant rich fighting over these so called entitlements and their compromises with competition,criminals,dictators,and their spy vs spy garbage big weapons,all the crap we do not want to see or hear that people with power and secrecy really do and sell that determine our future and the future of OUR freedom.
Why do we TRUST in these normal,well heeled criminals to do what is right for the public good when it would rather see the complaining public especially the poor dead or serving them like slaves.Politics has really has become a war on the weak.Now if the Dem's will not stand up in defense of the poor, the disabled,the homeless the workers,Who will?
I think WE must do it ourselves.Even if it means alot of scary sacred cow sacrifices and myth busting and gut wrenching self honesty in pursuit of true integrity.
The political games as usual obviously have failed us over and over.Dem's have bit by bit moved to the right,they have compromised their liberal principals bit by bit and squandered the liberal trust of the American people as they sold their souls for 'necessity'. Why do we compromise with evil people's agendas even if it is for a small good or a necessity? Is 6 months of unemployment extensions worth fostering a very possible and horrible future theocracy of talibornagins saying who gets a job or not,with your tax money,saying how everyone must live as they do or else?
This kind of compromise with political evil and insanity opens a door for a bigger evil that will someday grow to harm us worse in the future and we invite it because we need help now.The hand that feeds today will be the one slapping us down tomorrow as long as we are on our knees beholden to money and compromise with evil political agendas for a small temporary gain. WE are selling out a 200 year old legacy of freedom and hope bill by bill for a billion temporary "necessities" because the Dem's we elect are often wealthy,shortsighted cowards and can't think clearly enough about other people's situations with empathy,and so will not dare betray the will of their backroom brothers enough to say no to compromising with evil..So WHY in the hell do WE do it too??
NO MORE compromises for me.Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose,and the way things are going ,having nothing left to lose is fast approaching for alot of Americans.Will we take our suffering and demand freedom and fight for our own human dignity instead of licking the boot of power,fear threat,greed and the rich?
When will Americans keep settling for these lesser evils instead of saying NO,We are dying from a million paper cuts,and now they are so many they re hemorrhaging away our hope.I'll suffer from poverty rather than sell my fellow citizens out to a psychopath in a suit with an entitlement delusion and a hared of anyone different than himself. Why do we settle for less than what we are worth,less of a life,less of a future... for what?
That stupid myth of Horatio Alger that leads all who seek 'success' or to want a "better life" into a life of slavery,subjection and compromise?? For a fear? for my own greed? for comfy denial? Because we'd rather pretend corporations care about humanity they see as expendable sheep,rather than imagine life without oppression of money and power,and get rid of them and try another way of life that helps us all because we all participate in creating it? Maybe American citizens are crazier than I would like to think and I'm pretty crazy myself... Stockholm syndrome anyone?
To tell the truth I am very afraid for all of us.