MUNICH, Germany - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, defending the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq (news - web sites) to a skeptical international audience, said Saturday he is confident Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s removal eventually will spread "seeds of freedom" through the Middle East.
In a sign that prewar diplomatic rifts continue, however, Germany's foreign minister warned of "possibly fatal consequences" for NATO (news - web sites) should the alliance take a direct role in Iraq's reconstruction that resulted in failure. Russia's defense minister, whose government also opposed the war, said military force should be used only "within the realm" of international law.
Rumsfeld made an impassioned defense of the U.S. role in the world, contending that Arab television networks' coverage was contributing to the decline in America's image abroad by promoting the notion that Americans are imperialists.
"I know in my heart and my brain that America ain't what's wrong with the world," Rumsfeld told a German questioner after his speech.
more once, I'd like Rummy to say, "Things woulda been different if Saddam didn't buy military hardware from me. And I've got the receipts to prove it. But we learned him, didn't we!?!"