Mexicans who worked in the United States during and after World War II demanded back wages in front of the U.S. Embassy on Monday, two days after protesters pushed past private guards at President Vicente Fox's family ranch to make similar demands.
The workers, known as "braceros," have been lobbying for years to recuperate pay that was withheld in a savings account to be paid upon the workers' return to Mexico. None received that money.
Last month, U.S. President George W. Bush proposed a similar program for migrants with jobs in the United States, prompting braceros to demand that they also be paid.
On Monday, former braceros in straw hats gathered outside the U.S. Embassy to renew demands for their withholdings. U.S. Embassy officials declined to comment on the protest.
Frustration among ex-braceros is surging a year after the Mexican government put together a registry of former guest workers, inflating expectations for payment, said Francisco Arredondo, a commissioner in the National Braceros Association.