Pinellas delays vote on rebel flag CANDACE RONDEAUX, St. Petersburg Times Staff Writer
Published February 11, 2004
After recent conflicts over student displays of the Confederate flag in Tampa Bay area schools, Tuesday's Pinellas County School Board discussion on whether to ban the flag district-wide was relatively peaceful.
Reporters and television cameras nearly outnumbered the small group who showed up Tuesday morning to tell the School Board what they think about the issue.
"People are sleepwalking if they think that it's just a few African-Americans that have a problem with the Confederate flag," said Bilal Habeeb-ullah, founder of the African American Leadership Council of Clearwater.
Not so, said Sons of Confederate Veterans member Charles Pedrick. He said the board should ban all symbols in schools - including Christian crosses and Jewish Stars of David - or not ban anything at all.
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