Posted on Wed, Feb. 11, 2004
McCollum lashes at Martinez in video
Mel Martinez, the White House's reputed favorite in Florida's U.S. Senate race, is bashed by a fellow Republican for having led the state's trial-lawyers lobby.
Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Bill McCollum stepped up his attack on former U.S. Housing Secretary Mel Martinez on Tuesday, unveiling a video that likens his GOP rival to Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards.
The video, posted on McCollum's campaign website but not yet aired on television, notes Martinez's past leadership of the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers and past contributions to Democratic candidates, and suggests Martinez shares those stances with Edwards, a trial lawyer turned U.S. senator.
''Two liberal trial lawyers,'' a voice ominously intones as pictures of Martinez and Edwards appear on the screen. ``Both wrong, so wrong, so often.''
A spokeswoman for Martinez called the video a ''misleading, vicious'' attack from a ''faltering campaign'' and said it violates a
Republican tenet against speaking ill of fellow Republicans.(snip/...)