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WASHINGTON — American military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan will run out of money in September, leaving the Pentagon scrambling to cover as much as $19 billion in costs until the White House seeks additional funding through an emergency measure expected in January, top defense officials said Tuesday.
The Army and Marines, the branches with the most troops on the ground, expect to spend about $56.5 billion fighting on two fronts this year, almost all in Iraq. The Army, which has the majority of troops involved, is spending about $55 billion a year in the two countries, Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, the Army chief of staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee. The Marines expect to spend $1.5 billion.
As head of the most acutely stretched military service, Schoomaker said, he did not know how the Army would make up the shortfall for the 120,000 soldiers in the Persian Gulf.
President Bush's military budget request of $401.7 billion increases spending by 7%. But that figure includes nothing to fund the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also not covered is Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's decision to temporarily increase the Army by 30,000 troops to staff the Iraqi reconstruction effort. Pentagon officials have said they will ask for additional money for that budget measure next year.