Senate Republicans Agree to Slash Stalled Energy Bill
By Dan Morgan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 11, 2004; Page A07
Senate Republicans, hoping to salvage a stalled energy bill, said yesterday that they plan to more than halve the measure's tax breaks and other business incentives, cutting them from $31 billion to less than $14 billion over 10 years.
But at a luncheon meeting of GOP senators, members balked at attaching the energy legislation to a pending transportation bill, which faces its own objections from key Republicans and the White House.
The upshot was that two major pieces of economic legislation before this Congress remained tied up in procedural and substantive disagreements involving mainly Republicans. "It's been a frustrating week and a half," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.).
More: interesting read - shows strategies used (what they trimmed), and the struggle they are still having with this giveaway... er... bill.