Texan to help run waste-busting drive
Billy Hamilton and DMV's leader will have until June 30 to ferret out savingsBy Margaret Talev -- Bee Capitol Bureau
Published 2:15 a.m. PST Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has hired a nationally recognized expert from Texas to direct a commission charged with recommending ways to cut government waste.
Billy Hamilton, Texas' deputy state comptroller, will serve as co-director of the California Performance Review, along with Schwarzenegger's interim chief of the Department of Motor Vehicles, Chon Gutierrez.
Hamilton, 52, has overseen seven such reviews in Texas since 1991. He also has advised Oklahoma, North Carolina and Louisiana, and was a deputy director of the National Performance Review in 1993 under President Clinton.
"There's a window on changing government, and it opens and it closes very rapidly," Hamilton told reporters at a news conference Tuesday to announce his hiring. "You have a leader in this state who is willing to embrace change, who's willing to change the status quo."
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