Tuesday Feb 10 2004
Caracas, Venezuela. Feb 10, 2004 On his weekly live radio and television show, "Heool Mr. President", Venezuela head of state, Hugo Chavez, announced that his administration has obtained proof of direct funding from the United States government to virulent opposition groups in Venezula seeking to oust him.
President Chavez declared that the proof of US financing of groups working to destabilize and overthrow his government through unconstitutional means is now "circulating on the Internet." Specifically, Chavez confirmed the existence of documents indicating the opposition group Sumate, had received USD $53,400 from the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy. This is part of more than $800,000 distributed to various anti-Chavez organizations over the last two years.
The evidence referred to by the Venezuelan leader was made available to the public via the World Wide Web on the newly launched website, www.Venezuelafoia.info. The site, funded by a private 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States, the Venezuela Solidarity Committee, contains hundreds of documents evidencing the direct chain of financial aid from various U.S. government departments to Venezuelan opposition groups.