Grassroots cyber-movement, which claims more than two million U.S. members, has launched a major campaign demanding Congress formally censure President George W. Bush for lying to it about the threat posed by ousted Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.
Joined by another group, Win Without War (WWW), MoveOn said it had already collected more than 450,000 signatures on an email-based petition drive in just the past week, and will now take out print and television advertising to bring more people into the movement.
''There must be consequences when a president misleads the American people, and the Congress, with such disastrous results'', said the ad, which featured a photograph of a pensive Bush with the caption, "He knew''.
''Congress devoted considerable attention and, eventually, voted to impeach President (Bill) Clinton for misleading the public about a sexual affair'', said Adam Ruben, national field director of MoveOn. ''It isn't unreasonable to think that misleading the nation about the necessity of going to war constitutes an abuse of power of much greater significance.''
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