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Gay Marriage Fight Nears A Peak

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CShine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 04:31 PM
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Gay Marriage Fight Nears A Peak
Massachusetts legislators prepared to debate today an amendment to the state constitution that would bar same-sex marriages. If it passes, the amendment could eventually override a state court decision that ordered recognition of gay marriages by this spring. A vote on the amendment could come as early as today.

Massachusetts has become the focal point of the national debate over same-sex marriage, which could be a dividing issue in this year's presidential election. At least 13 other states are considering amendments to their constitutions. A similar amendment to the U.S. Constitution is before Congress. The vote on the Massachusetts amendment appeared close.

"This is still very much uncertain," said Rep. Michael Festa, a Democrat opposed to the amendment. He said the lobbying over the amendment was intense: "In all of my political life, I've never seen this level of interest."

The Supreme Judicial Court, Massachusetts' highest court, ruled 4-3 in November that it was unconstitutional to deny marriage to same-sex couples. It ordered the state to begin issuing marriage licenses to gay couples on May 17. The court reaffirmed its decision last week and ruled out a possible compromise to allow civil unions, a legal equivalent of marriage. The decision galvanized opponents of same-sex marriage and touched off a week of rallies for an amendment that would override the court's ruling. The proposed amendment says "only the union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Massachusetts."

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David__77 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 06:41 PM
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1. we can win this one.
Anti-gay house speaker Finneran's amendment to the amendment was defeated, raising the possibility of no action. Now Travigliani's amendment to the amendment mandating civil unions is being debated. If this passes, it raises the possibility that gay rights supporters will vote for the actual amendment. But will the anti-gay people vote for an amendment that mandates equal civil unions? Will Romney, thus ending any national aspirations? Interesting stuff... The best case scenario, of course, is for no action at all and no amendment.
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