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Obama Announces Clinton

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Hissyspit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:01 AM
Original message
Obama Announces Clinton
Edited on Mon Dec-01-08 11:05 AM by Hissyspit
Source: Associated Press

Obama announces Clinton, Gates for Cabinet

By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer – 3 mins ago

CHICAGO – President-elect Barack Obama announced Monday that Robert Gates would remain as defense secretary, making President Bush's Pentagon chief his own as he seeks to wind down the U.S. role in Iraq. Obama picked former campaign rival Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state.

At a news conference, Obama also introduced retired Marine Gen. James Jones as White House national security adviser, former Justice Department official Eric Holder as attorney general and Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano as secretary of homeland security.

The announcements rounded out the top tier of the team that will advise the incoming chief executive on foreign and national security issues in an era marked by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and terrorism around the globe.

Read more:

President-elect Barack Obama, right, stands with Secretary of State-designate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., at a news conference in Chicago, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:03 AM
Response to Original message
1. four more years of neocon influence... that's some change...
not. :(
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still_one Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:12 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. What a reasonable response. You can't even wait to see what happens, just prejudge /nt
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Bake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:13 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. Unlike the current pResident, Obama doesn't want to be surrounded by yes-men.
He wants people who will present all sides of an issue and challenge his positions. If, at the end of the day, they do not follow his lead, they'll be gone.

Secure, strong people are like that.

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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 04:09 PM
Response to Reply #1
29. I agree. Same old same old.
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Zhade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 05:44 PM
Response to Reply #1
30. Remember - SHE has to take HIS orders or lose her job.
I'm going to wait and see what happens. Rest assured, if this moves fucks up our FP, he'll hear about it.

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onehandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:05 AM
Response to Original message
2. Obama is building a stellar team. VP-E Biden, just now: "Quite a team." nt
Edited on Mon Dec-01-08 11:08 AM by onehandle
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TheLastMohican Donating Member (753 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
5. Hello people?
Hillary voted for all that mess we are in Iraq right now.
I mean, do we really need any more of that BS?
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AllentownJake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:36 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. So did all the other democratic candidates for President this year
other than Obama, Richardson, and Dennis K? BTW Dennis was the only one who actually voted on it of those who didn't vote.

Your point?
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LostinVA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 07:05 PM
Response to Reply #7
33. And PE Obama has stated he would have voted for IWR
None of their hands are clean on this issue.
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AllentownJake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 07:10 PM
Response to Reply #33
35. Sorry,
I don't recall that. I recall him making a speech denouncing going to war.

Not calling you a liar but I never heard that.
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walkaway Donating Member (725 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:39 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. Why bother ..'ll never be happy.
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Zhade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 05:45 PM
Response to Reply #5
31. No. But Obama's in charge - she's the subordinate here.

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Libertas1776 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:34 AM
Response to Original message
6. Basically a giant middle finger to the voters of NYS but...
Fine, you know what just take her!
It's not like she did anything for my state as senator. Honestly, from the moment she came into office, it seemed like she has been doing everything to get out of that seat, running for POTUS and now SEC of STATE.
Obama better keep her reigned in.
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:50 AM
Response to Reply #6
9. The state re-elected her by a landslide - knowing she was running for President
I agree that she did not accomplish a lot in the Senate - few freshman do - and since 2007, she was mostly running for President.

I don't agree that NYS likely thought she would still be their Senator in 2009 when they voted to re-elect her - at that point she was the all but certain next President.
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lamp_shade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:56 AM
Response to Reply #6
10. Hardly. I have family in NYS (and they're republican) who are grateful
for all she has done to bring jobs and industries to their neck of the NYS woods.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 12:45 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. I live in New York..
Please tell me about the jobs Clinton is responsible for bringing to our state?
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Capn Sunshine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 01:45 PM
Response to Reply #12
16. Senator Clinton Introduces First Legislation: New Jobs for New York
Washington, DC – Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today introduced her first legislation – a package of seven bills designed to spur job growth in upstate New York and around the nation. New Jobs for New York fulfills Senator Clinton's pledge to make her plan for the upstate economy her first legislative effort.

"With a proud place in the economic history of our country, upstate New York deserves its place in the economic future of our country. My legislation is designed to help bring all of New York to the forefront of the 21st century economy," Senator Clinton said. Noting new statistics that show job growth upstate lagging behind the state as a whole and the nation, she added, "No parent should have to see a child leave his or her hometown simply because good jobs can't be found."

The bills in Senator Clinton's legislative package are supported by a bipartisan group of Senators from all over the country.

The seven components of Senator Clinton's New Jobs for New York plan are:

Small Business Jobs Credit: This initiative will focus on smaller communities by targeting approximately 100 cities and towns throughout the nation that are losing population and have low job growth rates and high poverty rates.

Technology Bonds: Localities will be allowed to use a new type of tax incentive, Technology Bonds, to expand high-speed Internet access in their communities.

Broadband Expansion Grant Initiative of 2001: Complements Tech Bonds by accelerating private-sector deployment of broadband networks in under-served rural communities. Right now many families have to make long distance calls to connect to Internet.

Broadband Rural Research Investment Act of 2001: Supports additional investments at the National Science Foundation for research in new broadband technology to increase services in remote and rural areas.

Technology Extension Act of 2001: Provides small and medium-sized businesses with a technology extension program that provides the latest technology to improve productivity and promote economic growth.

Entrepreneurial Incubators: Helps entrepreneurs who have good ideas but cannot afford lawyers and consultants to access the help they need with legal complexities such as preparing corporate charters, partnership agreements, contracts, patent and intellectual property rules, and basic marketing strategies.

Regional Skills Alliances: Brings businesses, schools, and community colleges together to help create effective programs to ensure workers have the training needed to compete in the new economy.

"As we all know, an historic shift has taken place in our economy. To succeed in the 21st century economy, businesses must be more innovative, creative and flexible; workers must have better education and training; and community leaders must bring all sectors - government, academia, business -- together to make their hometowns more hospitable to high tech industries," Senator Clinton said. "My New Jobs for New York plan will help bring more New Yorkers and more Americans online and into the 21st century economy by promoting entrepreneurship and innovation and by knocking down the most stubborn barriers to economic progress in our state and nation."

"We are facing an economic slowdown that could be devastating to places like Upstate New York if we do not act now to give them the tools to succeed in the new economy. I believe we can create new jobs in upstate New York if we start now with the right tax incentives and programs," Senator Clinton said. "I intend to fight for these measures with a bipartisan coalition in New York and in Congress."

Senator Clinton said her legislative plan is part of a long-term, overall approach to bringing more economic growth to Upstate New York and other regions of the country. "The fight for new jobs for New York will be a long one. I do not expect everything in this plan to pass in one year alone, or in the exact form in which it is introduced. And standing alone, no single plan will get the job done," Senator Clinton said. "We need a long-term partnership between people in government at all levels and people in businesses, labor unions, schools and universities and community groups across New York and across the country."

The thirteen Senators who have co-sponsored one or more of Senator Clinton's bills include: Max Baucus (D-MT), Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Jon Corzine (D-NJ), Mark Dayton (D-MN), Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT), Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME).

Tomorrow morning, Senator Clinton will leave for a two-day, six city upstate New York tour to discuss her legislation with upstate New Yorkers.
-----------taken from her office statement

I was never a Hillary fan but this is one of her notables.
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Alexander Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 01:56 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. Don't worry. The poster you responded to is just here to snipe.
Been here 3 years and only 100 posts?

Thinks Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin are the same?

I don't think this poster will be here much longer.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 02:43 PM
Response to Reply #17
21.  Palin and Clinton both took the low road.. tell
me where I'm wrong? I will be here as long as I want to. See, the right -wingers are into "group think" who knew some democrats were too.
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Alexander Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 03:03 PM
Response to Reply #21
23. Palin's low road was much lower than Clinton's. There is no comparison.
If you bothered to read anything about the election, Mark Penn was trying to get Hillary Clinton to go much more negative than she did, and she was reluctant to go negative in the first place.

Obama apparently doesn't show your disdain for Hillary Clinton - he feels she's best qualified as Secretary of State.

Of course, we're dealing with facts here, so I don't expect you to have much to add.

"I will be here as long as I want to."


You'll be here as long as the mods and administrators want you to be. And don't you forget it.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 04:02 PM
Response to Reply #23
27. Whatever.. .Hiliary started the whole Ayers thing.
Edited on Mon Dec-01-08 04:09 PM by rainlillie
Her people sent the e-mail out claiming Obama was a Muslim. We all know the rest. I guess you will forgive Lieberman too?
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LostinVA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 07:05 PM
Response to Reply #27
34. WTF are you talking about???
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:41 AM
Response to Reply #34
39. She mentioned Ayers name during the debate on National TV
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 02:41 PM
Response to Reply #16
20. I live in Upstate and the jobs aren't there...
Maybe her replacement will really work hard for the state and get something accomplished.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 12:40 PM
Response to Original message
11. I hope she'll be a better SOS than she was a senator for my state..
I don't like or trust her. IMO this is a slap in the face to all those people who worked their butts off trying to combat the lies and smears that her camp put out there. Oh well politics as usual I guess. Maybe he'll give Palin a job too.
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lamp_shade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 12:51 PM
Response to Reply #11
13. Maybe he will. Cross your fingers.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 01:40 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. No need to cross my fingers, Clinton and Palin are cut from
the same cloth.
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Alexander Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 01:42 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. You are out of your goddamned mind.
Clinton and Palin, cut from the same cloth?

Maybe you've found the wrong forum. We actually support Democrats here.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 02:28 PM
Response to Reply #15
18.  Palin and Clinton both
said whatever they could to tarnish the character of Obama. So yes IMO that means they are cut from the same cloth. I don't kiss democrat or Republican ass. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Hilary ran a very dirty campaign, so excuse me if I don't rejoice by her being rewarded with a job in Obama's administration. You must be on the wrong forum if you think you're suppose to to blindly follow politicians, simply because they have a "D" next to their names.
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Alexander Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 03:14 PM
Response to Reply #18
24. Keep talking. I smell pizza already.
"So yes IMO that means they are cut from the same cloth."

Newsflash: Clinton resisted Mark Penn's demands that she go even more negative, and she didn't exactly like going negative to begin with.

IMO you are an ignorant blowhard. See? I can have an opinion too.

"I don't kiss democrat or Republican ass. Right is right and wrong is wrong."

Yet Obama apparently doesn't care that much, and he was the target. Take your fake outrage somewhere else.

"Hilary ran a very dirty campaign, so excuse me if I don't rejoice by her being rewarded with a job in Obama's administration."

The "mastermind" behind her awful campaign is Mark Penn, and he isn't being rewarded with anything.

I guess the name "Seward" doesn't mean anything to you. Read a book sometime, and then get back to me.

"You must be on the wrong forum if you think you're suppose to to blindly follow politicians, simply because they have a "D" next to their names."

Here are the rules, genius.

"Members are expected to be generally supportive of progressive ideals, and to support Democratic candidates for political office."

So who is on the wrong forum again?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Zhade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 05:46 PM
Response to Reply #24
32. Mark Penn didn't force her to lie repeatedly about things like nonexistent sniper fire.
She chose to do that, even after the lie was debunked more than once.

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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:42 AM
Response to Reply #32
40. Thank you.
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truthisfreedom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 02:47 PM
Response to Reply #14
22. With a comment like that at 107 posts, it's easy to see where you're coming from.
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Alexander Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 03:15 PM
Response to Reply #22
25. Probably Freeperville.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 04:08 PM
Response to Reply #25
28. FYI there are some Independents and Democrats who don't worship all things Clinton.
Edited on Mon Dec-01-08 04:10 PM by rainlillie
The responses from my criticism of Clinton are exactly why I will never register as a Democrat. You pretty much are no different than the cons who blindly followed Bush. Clinton and Lieberman behaved badly during the primary and that needs to be said. If Obama picked her so it be! I don't have to support every choice that he makes.. got it!
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TankLV Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:43 PM
Response to Reply #28
38. One word for you; Troll.
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:44 AM
Response to Reply #38
41. I'm a troll because I don't agree with Clinton as SOS?
Boy that makes a lot of sense. How odd that everyone here is expected to go along with the program. Think for yourself.
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TankLV Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 11:42 PM
Response to Reply #14
37. You are out of your fucking mind if you think that...
Palin is a fucking dumb as a rock IDIOT - she's not even fit to be in the same ROOM with the accomplished and intelligent Hillary Clinton!
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rainlillie Donating Member (654 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:46 AM
Response to Reply #37
42. No, you are out of your mind if you think Hiliary
didn't go as low as Palin in trashing Obama's name. Say what you want the proof and the truth is there. I never said on the same level of intelligence. As far as being lowdown, yes they are on the same level.
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brentspeak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 02:33 PM
Response to Original message
19. This was probably the promised price for Hillary's support during the election
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pecwae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 03:20 PM
Response to Original message
26. It's just a rumor.....
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-08 10:18 PM
Response to Original message
36. reading this thread has warmed the cockles of my heart. nt
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