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Protest planned Thursday at St. Paul Wal-Mart (mistreatment of workers and the tragic death)

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 07:37 PM
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Protest planned Thursday at St. Paul Wal-Mart (mistreatment of workers and the tragic death)
Source: Work Day Minnesota

ST. PAUL - As Wal-Mart makes more headlines for mistreatment of workers and the tragic death of an employee in New York, a demonstration is planned outside the Midway store in St. Paul.

United Food & Commercial Workers Local 789 is sponsoring the demonstration Thursday, Dec. 11, at 3 p.m. outside the Midway Wal-Mart, 1450 University Ave. W.

Participants will remember Jdimytai Damour, a security officer trampled to death when a crowd stampeded through the doors of a Long Island, N.Y., Wal-Mart on "Black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving. Demonstrators will call for lawmakers to enact stronger safety measures to protect workers and consumers.

Wal-Mart also faces lawsuits in several states for mistreatment of workers. This week, the company reached a settlement that calls for it to pay up to $54 million to Minnesota employees forced to work through their rest and meal breaks.

Read more:

Related article
Wal-Mart workers in Minnesota win $54 million settlement
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