BBCA seven-year-old boy from Swansea who cares for his mother who has multiple sclerosis is to rub shoulders with some of the best known faces on TV.-------
William John from Loughor will pick up a Young Carer award at the Woman's Own Children of Courage Awards in London. William's mother Wendy, who separated from his father when he was two, said she could not get by without him.
As well as meeting stars from Strictly Come Dancing and The X-Factor William will also visit 10 Downing Street.
His mother was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago. She said: "All the things I can no longer do, William does - he's always there making my life easier. He has been incredible." She has trouble getting out of bed, dressing and carrying things - all jobs William has taken.
His mother said he was constantly striving to help, even when it meant missing out on things other boys his age enjoy, such as rugby practice. "I'm always falling over which must be very frightening for William but he takes it in his stride and helps me get up," she added.
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Wouldn't it be excellent if President Obama or Vice President Joe Biden made time to acknowledge the selfless contributions of kids all across the nation through something like courage awards?
How cool would it be to hear, on the Saturday radio address:
And in closing, this month's courage award goes to....