, Feb. 13 -- Republican leaders in the House of Delegates offered a plan Friday to balance Virginia's budget by eliminating an array of business tax breaks, a proposal that startled Democrats, business leaders and lobbyists, many of whom have backed Gov. Mark R. Warner's plan for broader tax increases.
The largest tax break targeted by the House is a sales tax exemption for Virginia's public service industries, such as electric, telephone, railroad and gas companies. The House estimates the break reduces state revenue by $175 million a year.
Another provision would take away from the airline industry a sales tax break worth an estimated $45 million a year on the purchase of equipment used for such tasks as baggage handling and ticketing.
But Del. Phillip A. Hamilton (R-Newport News), the bill's sponsor, said: "We must determine whether certain industries should pay their fair share before asking all hardworking taxpayers and their families -- who do not receive such preferential tax treatment -- to bear a heavier burden."