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Analysis of challenged ballots shows Coleman lead erased

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Bjorn Against Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 10:42 AM
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Analysis of challenged ballots shows Coleman lead erased
Source: Star Tribune

Analysis of challenged ballots shows Coleman lead erased
The Star Tribune has performed its own analysis of the challenged ballots by relying on a virtual "canvassing board" of more than 26,000 readers.

By PAT DOYLE, Star Tribune

Last update: December 16, 2008 - 9:16 AM

With thousands of frivolous challenges discarded, the state Canvassing Board is expected to begin today the serious business of ruling on ballot disputes that could decide the U.S. Senate race between Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and DFLer Al Franken.

Prodded by the board, the campaigns have abandoned most of the challenges they've made during the recount, allowing the panel to focus on perhaps fewer than 1,500.

At the heart of the matter is voter intent and how the five-member board will determine it by examining each remaining challenged ballot: Is a partially filled oval sufficient to cast a vote? How about an 'X' written near a candidate's name?

The Star Tribune has performed its own analysis of the challenged ballots by relying on a virtual "canvassing board" of more than 26,000 readers who examined at least some of them. There appeared to be widespread consensus that Franken won slightly more disputes than Coleman, enough to theoretically erase the incumbent's narrow lead by late Monday.

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