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Was shot at the vehicle which was carrying
Military checkpoint killed in the husband of Colombian indigenous leader

The indigenous leader Quilcué Aida, along with
Edwin Legarda, her husband, who was assassinated
in a military checkpoint. Three bullets hit his
body, of the 17 shots that were made.

Aida Quilcué has been one of the leaders of the
National Indigenous Minga, in marches that have
mobilized thousands of Indians across the length
and breadth of the country.

The Indians have been denouncing the breach of
the agreements reached with the government,
seeing persecuted its leaders, affected communities
and their land seized.He was killed at a military checkpoint on indigenous Edwin Legarda, husband of Aida Quilcué leader, a leader of the recent "Mingas of Indigenous Resistance", demonstrations and mass marches that were in trouble recently, the government of President Álvaro Uribe. Interior Minister Fabio Valencia Cossio, has recognized the responsibility of the army in this "mistake". Indigenous communities claim that it was an attack on the counselor Quilcué.
While in Salvador de Bahia the 12 presidents who make up the UNASUR included in the document of approval by the Security Council and Defense UNASUR an article condemning the FARC and ELN as terrorist groups, violators of international humanitarian law, at a military checkpoint was assassinated husband's recognized indigenous leader Quilcué Aida, one of the most important leaders of the recent "Mingas of Indigenous Resistance."
Army members shot to Edwin Legarda while on his way to Popayan, department of Cauca, south west of the country, to pick up his wife, Aida Marina Mayor Councilor Quilcué Vivas, who was returning to participate in the Council's Human Rights UN in Geneva.
The vehicle he was driving Mr Legarda was attached to the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, CRIC, and was the vehicle of mobilization of the indigenous leader. Some sources report that the vehicle also was traveling nurse's Hospital Level 1 Belalcázar, who also was injured in the incident.
Daniel Pinacue, Paez indigenous governor, said that the site had a military checkpoint and that is not explained why it fired at the car, properly identified.
An attack on the counselor
"This was an attack against the minister," said Ernesto Perafán, CRIC's lawyer, who described what happened: "The army shot from various angles, from the two sides have impacts the car. Do not help them. He managed to escape. He received several bullet wounds in the chest in the leg, and reached out, was in leg upward, but the Army did not helped but started to let some vanilla and things on the floor, and when we came here with the Battalion commander, said that since the car had shot them. Version already refuting, accepting that it was they who fired into the car of the minister, but as that was the original version. "
The commander of the Third Division, Justo Eliseo Pena, who went to the area in a helicopter, said that "everything went wrong when a group of peasant soldiers conducted a roadblock." The official maintained that the car did not stop but continued its march to the town of reeds.
The version of the Indian community is that the attack was an attack against Quilcué, because that was the vehicle in which she used to mobilize. As the vehicle has semipolarizados glasses, there was no way to check if she was traveling there or not.
"This is a retaliation against the Indian minga," added the lawyer Perafán. "This is in addition to the decision to issue a warrant for the arrest of the coordinators of the guard."
Need for justice
The soldiers who participated in the checkpoint from which they were fired at the vehicle, would be retained in the rural municipality of reeds, by the guard and the indigenous community.
"If the military justice system does not issue an arrest warrant against the soldiers involved, the indigenous guard is going to catch, because the fact occurred on the territory of the community," said Ernesto also Perafán.
The Defense Ministry acknowledged in a statement that members of the army fired at Legarda, indicating that there is no clarity on how the incidents occurred.
"It was established that Battalion troops José Hilario López belonging to the Division III National Army fired at the car he was driving Mr Legarda, but so far there is sufficient clarity on how the incidents occurred," said the communique.
The ministry announced an internal investigation, headed by Commander of the Third Division and the Inspector General of the Armed Forces, and asked Attorney and Attorney send a special commission to the area to forward the necessary investigations in criminal and disciplinary.
The leader Aida Quilcué just going to participate today in a meeting of leaders of the indigenous.
Totoro without ... Salvador de Bahia.
While the vice president of Colombia, Francisco "Pachito" Santos came out victorious in Salvador de Bahia, arguing that the paper UNASUR "there is an explicit rejection of any illegal armed group that seeks to overturn the order, regardless of where is and wherever it comes from, we see that it is a breakthrough and a very important step, "the question, given the evidence of the facts and the subsequent violation of human rights by the Colombian state, it is not necessary if the subscription of articulito another, who also reject and condemn the state terrorism practiced by the Colombian government.
Or is that what then is this fair blood of the infamous "false positives", the assassination of interlocutor who thinks differently and I said, unbelievable numbers of trade unionists killed, or the ruthless persecution of minorities, and their annihilation, as in Here, of course, "by mistake". Or is it that this is the order you want and that people should not subvert?
The blood spilled today by the indigenous in a swampy path and lost one of the many sites that are called Totoro, in Colombia, has to attract attention. They can not invoke the dead unless the state who are Indians who are poor, who are the forgotten, that the FARC or the ELN. Events like this are not a simple avatar. A coincidence after another fail to be chance, to be anything else. A strategy deplorable, for example.