All of the actions, and refusals to act, of this administration sets a precedent for the future. Given that Obama is Cheney's 5th cousin, and the sudden rise of the "grateful to bend over while you fuck me for some power and money" class, I question whether Obama will ever do anything to prosecute or admit the crimes of this administration in our history. I think Obama would like to live, and I don't blame him.
I guess the only way out of this really bad entropy of American values and principles is for the middle class, the working class and the poor to have a revolution. But let's make it an evolution instead. Do not resort to rebellion that results in more war and pain and gives security companies something to do with their weapons and meanery. Lets teach the aristocracy how to invest in what we want by not supplying labor to what they want. They collapse without our labor, or they just print money... but if we don't spend, they don't prosper. That is how they are pulling the strings. They have the money, and they refuse to spend it. Give resources to the middle class and the poor and you see a vibrant economy.
Lets set up a bartering system, no monetary exchanges, just a bank of goods and services offered and received in a communal bank, a database that tracks what we can provide and what we need, a sort of "uses of energy", "sources of energy" distributed according to our means, and without political agendas. Such as: an attorney contributes a bank of 10 hours a month worth $150 per hour. A babysitter contributes 160 hours a month at $20. A food dealer contributes 20 gallons of milk, and 5 loaves of bread in exchange for some accounting offer at $50 per hour, etc.
Lets give our IT geniuses something fun to work on. This is a database maker's dream. Lets go local. Take care of our survival needs first, then our desires. And lets take care of everyone. If a painter contributes 2080 hours at $50 then he can use half to survive, and the other half to make a down payment or purchase a home with his $104,000 labor that year. Come on, lets get innovative and wipe out these ugly warring hating folks who want to make money on using human beings as fodder for their war, crime and disease industries.
Let's start brainstorming our way out of this. Yes we can change our economy, and the way we deal with health, education, and welfare, but we need leaders who are real leaders, not suction cups for resources out to murder, sicken, and stress us.
Can you believe how often people are murdered, or fake murdered, once we get close to finding these peeps out? Michael Connell (Bush/Cheney's IT man)
is dead, Kucinich has lost two siblings, Pelosi lost one, Wellstone is dead, Kennedy is dead, Ken Lay is fake dead, Cheney admits his crimes punishable by death, and will get pardoned.... what are we teaching our children?
Why should young people get educated for decent jobs when corporations treat them with contempt, and
apply fascist conditioning to those who do have jobs, against those who don't? Why shouldn't the young choose the glorious crime, war, and medicine route when that is where the money is? Why should farmers plant healthy food, when their money is in corn that creates all of the processed food we eat and sickens us?
This is topsy turvy, yes. But the way to change is to create from nothing, not use current practices as a baseline, because they simply do not work. We need a new context, not a new kind of cover up.
In my not so humble opinion.
Let's be on the Move.A little punk rock never hurt anybody.