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Prosecutors Ask Blagojevich Impeachment Panel to Limit Inquiry

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-08 02:25 PM
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Prosecutors Ask Blagojevich Impeachment Panel to Limit Inquiry
Source: NYT/AP

Federal prosecutors on Tuesday asked the committee studying impeachment of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich not to delve into the criminal charges against the governor, warning that it could ''significantly compromise'' their investigation.

Members of the committee have promised to abide by any direction from prosecutors on what should be off limits, so the request from U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald means the panel won't question Blagojevich aides and campaign donors about possible crimes.

But the committee can still consider the fact that the Democratic governor has been charged with federal crimes. Members say they'll look at evidence outlined in the complaint against him -- including wiretapped conversations.

The governor was arrested Dec. 9 on a variety of federal corruption charges, accused of scheming to benefit from his power to name President-elect Barack Obama's replacement in the Senate.

The committee is supposed to recommend whether the full House should consider impeaching Blagojevich, and it has also reviewed allegations that he abused his power by defying legislative rulings, handing jobs to donors and ignoring procedures for awarding leases and contracts....

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