Why hould The nederlands, and Europe get him?.. Have we been that bad for the last 8 year, that it is right to send your worst President ever to us to put into our prison system?.. Compared to most american prison system for the most part west european prison system is compartable to a holliday in the sun, with good food, good cell, and even a decent "Pay" if you work a couple of hour every day...
Mr Bush are after all YOUR problem, and even that I do understand that You want to send him to ICC, so he can be convicted by all his crimes that he truly have been doing for the last 8 year (he and the rest of the administration, both present and past member) this s after all USA who have to act according to your own standard, who you once was so famous for...
It is the american public, who have to get to the bottom of the truth when it came to President GWBs administrasjon, and his crimes, misgivings and the rest of the crimes he might have been doing.. Not Europe, who for the most part was been telling to go sqrew ourself in our collective ass... USA have to stand up, and take the evil as it cames, and mr Bush, and his administration absolutely deserve a time in cort, where all their crimes international as national can be proven once and for all. If ICC was to be the only arm who is arresting, convicting and send the criminals in the administration to prison, the american would not be more vicer than it was before mr Bush wa put in Haag... In fact many american would belive mr Bush to be inocent, and that ICC was biasted against an Republican President, who have not been doing nothing wrong... And that europe was just there to get even with US..
It is US who must take him to the cort system, not ICC.. If YOU want to get him into a prison, and the rest of the big shots from his administration into a prison cell, You have to push mr Obama to get going the right thing.. Europe and ICC can't clean up this mess, becouse this is something US have to manage on their own... In 1945-46 when the Nurnberg trials was coming and 12 of 21 was finding guilty and hanged, it was coming from abroad.. The germans on their own would never have managed to get Goering and the rest of the top leaders of the Nazist to their just end.. It was the americans, the brits, the french and the russians who in the end was doing something never happend before.. Get the guilty on a trial and even get some of the hanged for their crimes. But Germany was a country who was overwelmed, and on their enemies hand.. The US have stil their own army, their own freedom, and if they shoose, they can still prove for themself, that they want to adhere to the same prinsiples US was telling the world in 1945, after WW2... But then YOU, the americans have to get the guilty one into the cort, and do the right thing.. Americans can't just send YOUR former president to Haag and belive that Europe on their own can make it posible that it never wil happend again... Like in the post war Germany, where the documation about the crimes the germans have been doing even today, more than 60 year after the war ended have peopole shocked and angered YOU have to soulshearch yourself, and go into a painfull reality about what in fact happend the last 8 year where the US was going amok, and was in the proses of destroying more than 70 year of sivilized "how to do thing" between nations (wel in fact, it is more then 70 year more like 150 year, but you got my drift I belive)..
I know US can do it if they want to. I know US, if they want to, can make it posible, that it NEVER would happend again, that a president would misuse the trust given by their peopole after a attack like 11 Sept 2001 to more or less ruin the country, and shift the balance of power, not to the interest of the US... I know US can do what is right, even if wil be hard to get tru it...
But again, it is more or less up to YOU in US to make it posible. Not up to the Dutch, or to Western Europe.. It is up to US alone to get the american public to understand what type of criminal behavour your president, and your administration have been doing for 8 year..
Sorry my bad english not my native language