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Yahoo Names Bartz as CEO to replace Yang

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EconomicLiberal Donating Member (554 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-09 05:54 PM
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Yahoo Names Bartz as CEO to replace Yang
Source: Wall Street Journal

Yahoo Inc. announced that Carol Bartz, former chief executive of software company Autodesk Inc., will become the Internet company's next CEO, placing its fate in the hands of a long-time executive with experience turning around companies.

The Internet giant said its current president and long-time executive Susan Decker, who also interviewed for the job, will leave the company.

In a statement, Yahoo chairman Roy Bostock called Ms. Bartz " the exact combination of seasoned technology executive and savvy leader that the Board was looking for" and notes that she was the only executive to whom Yahoo offered the job.

Ms. Bartz, 60 years old, will face a number of challenges as she tries to turn around Yahoo's flagging performance and stock price. Some investors have been lobbying for a break-up of the Internet giant, for instance. Yahoo faces tough competition from Internet rivals such as Google Inc.

Ms. Bartz served as executive chairman of Autodesk, of San Rafael, Calif., which she ran as chief executive from 1992 to 2006. Autodesk is around half the size of Yahoo, with approximately 7,000 employees world-wide.

Ms. Bartz was also an executive at Sun Microsystems Inc. and she sits on the board of Cisco Systems Inc., with Mr Yang. She is also a member of the Intel Corp. board with Ms. Decker, who was also interviewing for the CEO job.

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