by our government, which, IMHO, is just a masquerade?
Actually our government is the corporations that prey on the us!
The banks, insurance, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, retailing, media, especially the media, and some other corporate oligopolies, are all controlled by the Quisling minions of the super and uber rich, believe it or not!
These heartless, blood-sucking, rich oligarchs make ALL the important decisions.
Our so-called "Democracy", a sick joke!
"Elections" are a bamboozling exercise in a rigged, one-party system where all of the "electable" candidates are in on the charade and faithfully and forever dedicated to their corporate patrons.
Our masters only goal, as always through history, is to maintain the status quo, and their absolute control, by absolutely, and I mean absolutely, any means.
Propagandizing consistently to deny that there is a "class war" is one important corporate focus.
The fact that so few people understand this fundamental dynamic is vivid testimony to how "dumbed down", confused or complacent most USA citizens have become.
Single-Payer, Universal Health Care, the only viable solution, isn't even on the table in DC!
Forget about it!!!!
The Insurance cabal, an integrated component of the interwoven oligopolies, will never allow such a radical(fundamental) change no matter how needed or popular Single-Payer is, or becomes.
Insure the poor?
The children?
Remove the parasites from the health care system?
Make health care a human and civil right available freely to all?
Not a chance while we are wasting trillions of dollars on so-called "defense"!
WE are living in a FASCIST run country!
Fascism is when the corporate/business elites and any government share goals and power.
When issues like health care, peace, education, poverty or equality are under consideration our government's fascist reality is manifest, and manifested again consistently in all of it's cruel decisions.
That these are issues still being debated at all is absolute proof that our Federal government doesn't represent the vast majority of the people.
Think for yourself, don't believe anything, not even me!
Who are you going to believe?
The M$M or your lying eyes?
Stop chugging the Oxymoron gas...