, July 05, 2005
The documentary about how a Governor executing the largest health care cuts in American history will leave 323,000 to fend for themselves
This chilling 29 minute documentary, "323,000," is about the 323,000 who are now losing their health care under TennCare, Tennessee's Medicaid program. The film is the culmination of a 6 month investigation into the largest health care cuts in the history of America. In the course of the investigation and filming, documents were discovered that prove that the drastic nature of the cuts now are unneccesary, and part of a bigger political strategy.
To understand the REAL issues with TennCare, the motives behind the cuts, the advocacy happening now, the people who will die from losing heart, anti-transplant rejection and other medications and those on respirators losing all their in-home care that keeps them alive, you MUST watch "323,000."
Click to watch commentary on the documentary:
I think the key strategy in order to beat back these kinds of cuts, given the current political climate, is to make the largely "pro-life" citizenry as uncomfortable as possible with their current policy choices. Show the human face as much as possible. One of the 323,000 people about to be cut emailed me months ago and he is in a wheelchair from MD and a great songwriter whose stuff has been published. I helped him all I could. These people live in their own homes, with family, spouses or friends, lead lives in the community, some with jobs or school careers, and in a nursing home - their only option once in-home care ends - they're ripped away from any chance of becoming self-supporting.
This documentary makes Fahrenheit 9/11 look like a Carebears episode. It's not as gory, but more directly evil. Thousands will die, way more than in Iraq, and no one in the media really cares.
Governor Breseden's eugenics plans were tied up in lawsuits from those silly people who don't want to die, but those people lost, and cuts are beginning. He actually said it is their own fault to not work at a place that provides health insurance.
On camera in this documentary he admits he is killing people and says he doesn't blame them... wtf?
They uncover documents proving it's all a political game...he wants to cut deep and hard now, and next year when it's re-election time, add more services to show how generous and effective his management has been. And this is the Democrat.
I'm still amazed at how evil people can be. This is life and death, but unfortunately this is not getting 0.001% of the attention Shiavo did because of the politics involved. I'm doubting this post will even garner the response my Shiavo posts did. The blogosphere is barely mentioning it, even the leftists aren't carrying it as the disabled people's sit-in in the Governor's office nears its third week. The protestors are often being denied food and water.
Why no uproar? Is it that having tax dollars attached to it makes keeping these people alive less appealing? Basically yes.
And it makes me physically ill.
Man's inhumanity to man......
Oh wait, are people with severe disabilities considered part of mankind?
Routinely killing people who have severe disabilities because they cost too much is not "a culture of life," and it is reprehensible.
Please spread this message and help me get some of the prime bloggers to get activism going. The media is key. We cannot tolerate eugenics in our country.