although it can be traced back further, to the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK, in the 1960s, and to LBJ and the Vietnam War.
"With little ambiguity, the intelligence report reveals that 'owing to the rise of emerging powers, a globalizing economy, an historic transfer of relative wealth and economic power from west to east, and the growing influence of non-state actors…the international system- as constructed following the Second World War – will be almost unrecognizable.'"
We could have used our wealth and high status to create a more just and peaceful world. Instead, the Reagnites and Bushwhacks (with no little help from DINOs) turned us into a hated and hypocritical "evil empire," in which our military has been hijacked for corporate resource wars, and our corpo/fascists' ugly intentions toward the rest of the world are perfectly expressed by the loan sharks at the World Bank/IMF, which destroyed economy after economy in South America, for instance, until the financial dragons turned on us, and began eating us alive as well.
It is so saddening to contemplate this history, considering what might have been. And it is enraging when you read James Douglass' book, "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters." America did not just fall apart. America was taken apart--and its ideals of peace, justice and democracy--systematically destroyed, at home and abroad, by traitors within our own government and their multinational corporate puppetmasters and war profiteers.
Saddening, enraging and...galvanizing? Yes, I believe so. I think American Revolution II is already under way. I think it started on 11/3/04, with the election fraud activists--so marginalized then, and their work so important now to understanding what happened, and what to do about it. The corporate-run 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines that were fast-tracked all over the country, during the 2002 to 2004 period, were not just aimed at continuing the Forever War, but were additionally--and maybe primarily--aimed at the Financial 9/11 that was engineered this September, two months before the Bushwhacks left office (having received immunity for their many crimes in exchange for their not nuking Iran and leaving the White House peacefully when the time came). Their final evil act: an induced Great Depression. An easily preventable Great Depression, including the hand-over-fist final looting of the American people, of an additional one trillion dollars into the pockets of the super-rich.
Can we take back the tattered ruins of our country, create American Revolution II, and restore it to the country it could have been, back when JFK and RFK were still alive? Yes! It's not going to be easy. But YES! I believe that totally. It will take keeping our eyes open--never to be fooled again by corporate 'news' monopoly narratives--hard work--grass roots organizing, rebuilding our democratic institutions--persistence and patience. And we have a model right here in our hemisphere--in the amazing, peaceful, democratic, leftist revolution that has swept South America. Look into countries like Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Argentina--who were hit by "shock and awe" economics before we were--and see what's really going on, among the people and politically--the news you never get here. Some of the primary lessons I've gleaned from research into the South American movement, that I think are applicable here: 1) Transparent vote counting, honest elections. 2) Grass roots organizing. 3) Think big.
We can overcome the corpo/fascist lock on most media with transparent vote counting. (Almost all votes in the U.S. are now counted with 'TRADE SECRET' code, owned and controlled by rightwing corporations). The South Americans have bad media--worse than ours. But they've been able to elect good leaders, because of tenacious work on transparent vote counting and other democratic rules and processes.
Grass roots organizing--badly needed here. That is the basis of all leftist victories in South America--networks of grass roots level social organizations, able to deliver the votes, and also to set the political agenda.
Think big? Think this: We charter these monstrous, multinational corporations that rule over us, to do business in the U.S., through STATE chartering systems. Like voting systems, the power still resides with the states--where ordinary people still have potential influence. We, the people, have the right--and the potential power--to pull corporate charters, dismantle them, and seize corporate assets for the common good, with or without cause. This is the proper order of things. We are the sovereigns in this land. Corporations do business with our permission, and only with our permission, and we can place whatever conditions that we think are in our interest, on their activities. This sovereign power EXISTS--it is just not being used properly and in our favor.
Like I said, think big. Hugo Chavez and the people of Venezuela did--and now they benefit from a 60% cut of the profits from Venezuela's oil resource, which is being used for education, medical care, and infrastructure and small business development. Think beyond just taxing Exxon Mobil fairly. Think of pulling their corporate charter when they fuck us over.
We have bigger, more difficult problems to solve than South America--including dealing with our war machine and its horrendous wars, and our secret government which supports and connives for war. We are at the heart of an 'evil empire' that is ravaging the world, not just us. A great deal of trouble has been taken to manipulate, brainwash and disempower our people, in ways that are not easy to see and overcome. South America had heinous dictatorships to overcome, and still have vast poverty that they are trying to solve. But they do not have the Pentagon--or Lockheed, or Bechtel, or Halliburton. They do not have out-of-control banks and financial institutions sucking the lifeblood out of their countries, as we do. It's in their past--the World Bank/IMF did the same to them, but the scale of it here is just mind-boggling.
So it's going to take time (it took the South Americans about a decade), and it's going to take quite a lot of persistent, patient hard work. But it can be done. And I believe it will be done, and our grandchildren will bless us for it. American Revolution II: the end of Corporate Rule.