Edited on Wed Feb-11-09 08:13 AM by tom_paine
Things in the world must be coming to a head.
Israel has been or is in the process of being completely Bushified, which is to say it's government wholly insulated from the wishes of the peasantry.
This, of course, is the identical process that has gone on in America from 1980-present
Bibi will "win", in all likelihood, just as Bushler "won" in 2000.
Breakneck speed.
After all, it was only about 10 years ago that Israel faced it's 11/22/1963, when a "crazed lone RW gunman" who ALWAYS seem to materialize at just the right time to murder the greatest enemies of the Bushies.
Bye-bye, Yitzhak Rabin. You never had a chance. Just like Bhutto and Rabin, the people you thought were your "friends" were in actuality your killers' accomplices.
Now, Israel is all the way up to 2000. Interstingly enough, the Mossad Bushies must believe Israelis are quite politically innocent, having been treated much more like Free Citizens by their government than the American Subject Populace since 1980 and maybe before.
I speculate that's coming to an end, and a Bibi "win" will confirm this when it happens (95% chance, I believe, and it matters nothing who the peasants voted for).
Israel is now going to become, nakedly in a shameless power play, a fully formalized member of the Bush Axis of Evil.
Scary. I feel shame, sorrow, and fear for my fellow Jews. Not just for the Gaza brutality we perpetrated, but for the ongoing Bushification of their country which is going to finish leading them over the cliff of National Madness, like America.
Will Israel soon have it's own LIHOP 9/11 to galvanize them for the assaults on Iran? Maybe.
After all, the level of Israeli political naivete, even among the tiny sliver of the conscious people, would absolutely support another Bushie "Reichstag Fire", just as America's Subject Populace quickly got on our knees to the Bushies after the Bushies hit us on 9/11.
Who can say? It's all speculation and we'll never know for sure.
But it certainly will be interesting to watch things play out, because I suspect that, once again, things will play out, coincidentally, I am sure, in the BEST possible way for the Bushies and the worst possible way for World Peasantry. (which certainly includes the Israeli and American Subject Populaces)
Hey, will we begin hearing this from the Israeli Bushies and their gullible, unwitting, clueless follwers: Bibi won, you lost. Get over it.
Why bother changing a successful and already test-marketed Bushification/Nazification before the marketing strategy has grown ineffective anymore? It's not like the Israeli Subject Populace will notice any more than the American Subject Populace noticed.
Well, except for a few leftie crazies, and no one listens to US. Even though we were the ONLY ones to know that there were no WMDS, that the Bushies lied with the frequency and audacity of Nazis, that we would be plunged into huge debt and unneccessary war, etc. etc. etc!
Same as no one listened to us in Germany 1933, and same as most of what we warned of came true.
It's all speculation, but such "insane" speculations have been proven correct time and time and time again since the Bushies made their naked power grab in 2000.
Bibi won, you lost. Get over it.
Somehow, I suspect that this Israeli "election" was over LONG before it started, just like most, if not all American "Elections".