Please,if you have any monies,please buy some poisonous Chinese stuff.Walmart's open.Go.Buy.The money will return to you.When your reincarnated as a rich Chinese dude or a Bush or someone like that.
Associated Press
Trade deficit drops to $39.9B; lowest in 6 years MARTIN CRUTSINGER , 02.11.09, 09:04 AM EST
The politically sensitive deficit with China continued rising in 2008, hitting an all-time high of $266.3 billion, the highest imbalance ever recorded with any country. The deficit with China has set records throughout the decade, triggering a political backlash with growing calls for trade sanctions against Beijing for what critics contend are unfair trade practices that have cost American manufacturing jobs.
Still, Chinese exports are not immune to the effects of recession. China's exports plunged in January amid collapsing global demand, according to customs data released Tuesday. Exports fell 17.5 percent last month compared with the year-ago period, and a sharper drop than December's 2.8 percent.
The Bush administration resisted pressure in Congress to brand China a currency manipulator, a designation that could lead to trade sanctions. However, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told Congress last month that President Barack Obama believes China is manipulating its currency, raising the possibility that the new administration will take a harder line.
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During the presidential campaign, Obama pledged to do a better job than Republicans at protecting American workers from unfair trade practices. There are concerns the U.S. recession and downturns in many other countries could lead to rising protectionism worldwide that will make the global recession worse...