I received a survey from Congressman Bob Wexler today, and instead of checking 3 of the pre-determined "Most Important Issues," I made use of the "Other" option. (Please, I don't wish to hijack this thread, but come on, Obama is not listening, can't you tell? We are formulating our QUESTIONS in conformity with the ANSWERS they're willing to give! NO NO NO! Pitchfork! Torch!)
How I filled in "other" as my "most important issue":
Find out why Pres. Obama is continuing so many Bush policies, keeping Bush people like Robert Gates in place, insisting on appointing a poorly qualified, not-recommended Ratheon lobbyist as Deputy Defense Secretary, appointing neocons to cabinet posts, forcing us all to go right on bowing to Republicans, the small minority, EXACTLY as if Bush were still up there declaring Himself the Decider. Put a STOP to this. Find out what became of Republicans like Chuck Hagel. Stop Obama from appointing Newt Gingrich to a high cabinet post. FIRE KBR!! Stop the war profiteering, punish the war profiteers, bring KBR to justice, bury KBR for multiple-multiple instances of rape and homicide, for God’s sake! Stop the Republican minority from dictating to this country. Where is the "new" administration? Where is the outcry in the press? Bring all troops home from Iraq, shut down that rat-hole of a giant embassy (turn property over to Iraq), keep promises to look after our veterans with a real eye to their sacrifice, stop recalling exhausted troops to more combat, stop (and punish) the hellish army abuses of our loved ones in uniform, ALLOW VICTIMS OF RENDITION to be heard in American court, bring Obama to account for war crimes, treason, malfeasance, if he continues this New Culture of Continuing the Bush Nightmare with Only a Tiny Cosmetic "change" Here and There. We voters have been had, as bad as we were had in 2004, Congressman Wexler. Republicans are still in charge. We gave Obama the reins and he handed them to the Republican party, the losers, and he will not stop. We can make NO MOVE without shyly consulting crude, sociopathic, self-serving and often LUNATIC Republicans, kneeling before Republicans who were rabidly complicit in war crimes and death, humbly wiping from our hair the spit of Republicans like Boehner and McCain and Kyl, no iota of Change whatsoever! Before, it was Bush/Cheney in charge. Now it's these Republican "lawmakers'" we must grovel to. Find a reporter who will sit at a press conference and ASK THE PRESIDENT WHY THIS IS. Then, on the floor of the House, demand that our president answer! Why is he doing this? This is “decider” behavior, not leadership! This absurd, sinful, top priority-placing of “bipartisanship” is Legacy Polishing at the outset! Just exactly what AMERICA DOES NOT NEED! Please consider every capital letter a torch. And every exclamation point a pitchfork. Thank you, Cong. Wexler. You are the extreme minority. Please stop the Truth Commission, too! It’s designed to protect the war criminals, even immunize them to travel in Europe! We the people are listening to Jonathan Turley. Don’t leave this to the international courts. What a disgrace that WILL BE. We don't need the truth exposed. The truth is staring us in the face, covered in blood. We want the guilty tried and convicted. And please, all of you politicians in power...stop lumping what the People want most in with items YOU want most. Withdrawing troops from Iraq is not synonymous with ensuring the security of Israel, for instance. Ensuring the security of Israel should have no bearing on our loved ones having to serve in the illegal occupation of Iraq. Stop this wickedness, this twisting of the Truth, this manipulation, aided and abetted by the not-free press, the corporate news media, wielded AGAINST THE PEOPLE, without whom you'd have no power. But we are easy, aren't we. Too desperately busy scrabbling for an extension on our unemployment benefits to scold our "leaders."