CBSAttorney General Eric Holder, whom President Obama has tasked with overseeing the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention center, will be visiting the facility next Monday,CBS News' Stephanie Lambidakis reports.
Holder told reporters about the trip following a speech on Black History Month at the Justice Department today.
"We need to have our feet on the ground to really see what is going on down at the facility to see how people are being detained, to talk to people down there about the interrogation techniques that are being used," Holder said. "I think that will be an important first step as we try to resolve the issues that the president has put before me as the chairman of those review committees."
Separately, a report from the department's ethics' watchdog, OPR, currently sits on Holder's desk, which reportedly rebukes 3 former Bush administration lawyers for their legal advice allowing the use of water-boarding and other “enhanced interrogation technique" at the prison, CBS News' Andrew Cohen writes.
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