George W. Bush made Cuba off limits to them, except for once every three years, apparently.
A former DU'er, a Canadian, discussed bumping into a woman in Havana who lives in Florida, and comes and goes to Florida with merchandise she sells there, and apparently had been doing it a long time, with no fear whatsoever of being caught.
The original wave "exiles" in South Florida while moving heaven and earth to keep Americans from ever getting the chance to go there themselves, have always intended to take it over, all over again, just as they had before the people of Cuba threw them out. The prominent "exile" leader in Florida, Jorge Mas Canosa used to believe he would be the President of Cuba as soon as the U.S. invaded Cuba again, and destroyed their government. He was with the Bay of Pigs invasion, but sat in his boat, and never got out, while many of his fellow Florida Cubans ran around in circles, and many got shot or taken prisoner. Mas Canosa survived in fine form and returned to become the Cuban "exile" dominator of South Florida politics, and the little boss of U.S. Cuba policy, eventually Latin American policy, even butting into U.S. military involvement fighting on the same side with the pro-apartheid forces in Africa. He totally influenced Reagan's,
George H. W. Bush's, and Bill Clinton's formal positions on Cuba.
The Canadian DU'er who vacations in Cuba said that Canadians and Europeans express very low enthusiasm for the days Americans will be flooding the place!