Chicago TribuneGen. David McKiernan praises Obama for deployment decision as he tells the Tribune's Kim Barker that the additional forces don't constitute an Iraq-style 'surge'February 27, 2009
KABUL, Afghanistan — Just days after President Barack Obama announced the deployment of 17,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, Tribune correspondent Kim Barker sat down in Kabul with Gen. David McKiernan, the top U.S. commander in the country. In the interview, McKiernan painted a candid picture of the "stalemate" he sees in Afghanistan and what role the U.S. troops will play in solving it. Following are edited excerpts:
Q) What's your assessment of where we are with the military in Afghanistan?
A) I haven't met anybody who's happy with where we're at right now, and that includes myself. ... I have used the word stalemate there, and we've got to provide additional resources to break that stalemate, one of which is the recent decision by my government to provide additional forces, most of which will be positioned in the south. This next year is a really important year. And it's important because of a lot of different variables. One, national elections in Afghanistan. It's important because of the fact there's a new administration in the United States that is obviously placing priority on this region. It's important because there's new diplomatic opportunities.
Q) Why are there so many bad assessments of the situation?
A) I'm not with the group that says everything is in a downward spiral, that the Taliban are resurgent and stronger than they were. I think they're very resilient, but I don't necessarily think they're stronger. And I do see some measures of progress in this country. Now I'm not going to say everything is going to improve dramatically in 2009, but I think as a military commander, I am not going to be pessimistic about this. I'm going to be glass-is-half-full.
Q) What resources do you need here to win? Are 17,000 troops enough?
A) Immediately what we need to do is create a secure environment where education can increase, where governance can be effective. And what I want to do is get to what I call a tipping point, where we have sufficient, capable Afghan army and police capacity in this country, where international forces increasingly are in the background and increasingly are more in the training and mentoring and enabling role. In order to do that, we need additional resources in this country. That's why I asked for additional U.S. forces.
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See below for the rest of the interview...