"negative" toward the Bushwhacks and our fuckwad global corporate predator rulers. Their being "more negative and oppositional" just sprang out of nowhere, right? Jeez.
It's not Clinton's fault, in this case, that disinformation rules our corpo/fascist press. It is their own twisted heads--these so-called journalists and their corpo/fascist bosses.
I am VERY GLAD to see a change of policy in Washington on Latin America, toward respect, decency and fairness. But, typically, our corpo/fascist 'news' monopolies leave huge black holes where information should be, which would explain why these democratic leaders, and the big majorities who support them and vote for them, have felt injured, time and again, and understandably wary and angry, and why they are now united in a Latin America-wide movement for social justice and the assertion of their sovereignty, and, for instance, have formed their own organization, UNASUR--the new South American common market--without the U.S. as a member. (Cuba was invited to be a member, though.)
The seminal event that sparked this leftist democracy movement throughout Latin America--the most important event in recent Latin American history--was the peaceful victory of the people of Venezuela in turning back a violent fascist coup, in 2002--a coup that was wholeheartedly supported by, and probably funded and organized by the Bushwhacks. And the bookend event, this last September 2008, was the fascist/white separatist riots, murders and attempted coup in Bolivia, funded and organized right out of the U.S. embassy.
Guess to which organization the Latin American leadership turned, to organize their unanimous support for President Evo Morales of Bolivia, when he threw the U.S. ambassador (and also the DEA) out of Bolivia, for colluding with these fascist jerkwads? Not the OAS. Chile's President, Michele Batchelet, called a meeting of UNASUR--its first important meeting (it was formalized only last summer)--and took strong and unanimous action to help Morales (two commissions--one to investigate the murders in Bolivia, the other to help Morales get peace talks going with the saner faction of the rightwing opposition).
This is the most recent event in U.S./Latin American relations that Latin American leaders still had the taste of, when they met in Trinidad for the Summit of the Americas. It is one of the reasons that Hugo Chavez handed President Obama the book, "The Open Veins of Latin America," which chronicles the history of U.S. bloody interference in Latin America, as in Bolivia only eight months ago. These two events--Venezuela, 2002, and Bolivia, 2008 (also Ecuador early 2008--the U.S./Colombia's murderous bombing/raid into Ecuador, which almost started a war between Colombia and Ecuador/Venezuela--another U.S. act that these leaders did not take to the OAS, but rather to the informal all-Latin American Rio Group; UNASUR had not yet been formalized)--are just the most dramatic incidents of nefarious U.S. activity in Latin America. There is much more--assassination plots, other coup plots, USAID and other U.S. funding of rightwing opposition groups, the filthy, corrupt, failed U.S. "war on drugs, and the relentless, lying bullshit out of the Bushwhack State Department about leaders like Chavez in Venezuela, Morales in Bolivia and Correa in Ecuador.
These hostile Bushwhack activities have cemented relations among Latin American leaders, who have had it with this bullying and plotting by the U.S. government, and have meanwhile created their own goals, their own international alliances and trade deals, their own common market, their own bank (the Bank of the South--another good Venezuelan idea), and are headed toward a common defense (proposed by Brazil). Chavez's strength in dealing with Exxon Mobil, Morales's and the Bolivian peoples' strength in dealing with Bechtel, Rafael Correa's strength in dealing with Dyncorp and the strength of Ecuadoran indigenous tribes in dealing with Chevron, and the courage and intelligence of Latin American voters in electing these and many other leftist leaders--and these other critical events, the defeat of U.S.-supported coups--have dramatically changed the western hemisphere for the better. And it is for U.S. leadership to catch up. Clinton, in a way, has no choice. Neither does Obama. They could continue the utterly failed, evil schemes of the Bushwhacks--and create a permanent breach between the north and south in our hemisphere. Intelligent leadership would face the reality that they cannot bully Latin America any more. And that is what they seem to be doing--showing intelligence.
But you wouldn't have guessed any of this from this Puke 'news' article.