Associated PressConservative Southerner leads GOP Court nomination fight
By The Associated Press
05.06.2009 9:17am EDT
(Washington) The top Republican in the Senate served notice on President Barack Obama Tuesday that the GOP won’t rubber-stamp his choice to succeed the retiring Justice David Souter.
“The president is free to nominate whomever he likes,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. “But picking judges based on his or her perceived sympathy for certain groups or individuals undermines the faith Americans have in our judicial system.”
McConnell’s Republicans are turning to a conservative Southerner as their point man on Obama’s nominee, signaling that they won’t shy away from a protracted fight despite risks of being cast as obstructionist.
Sen. Jeff Sessions’ ascension as the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee comes more than 20 years after the panel rejected him for his own federal judgeship during the Reagan administration over concerns that he was hostile toward civil rights and was racially insensitive.
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“Any nominee must understand that the role of a justice is to be a neutral umpire of the law, calling the balls and strikes fairly while avoiding the temptation to make policy or legislate from the bench based on personal political views,” Sessions said in a statement Tuesday. “We must return to our original understanding that policy-making is reserved to the political branches and that courts serve the limited, but essential, role of disposing of cases and controversies based on a fair construction of the Constitution.”
When it was the Republicans making the rules it was OK, of course.