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Franken meets with vice president in Washington

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kskiska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 06:40 PM
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Franken meets with vice president in Washington
Source: AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken met privately with Vice President Joe Biden late Wednesday afternoon to update him on the still-contested Minnesota Senate race.

Franken, who said he is eager to join the Senate, said the two men also discussed President Barack Obama's policy goals.
Biden said he and President Obama are looking forward to working with Franken after the Minnesota Supreme Court issues a final ruling.

Franken is ahead of Republican Norm Coleman by a narrow margin after a statewide recount. Franken was declared the winner by a special court in Minnesota, but Coleman has appealed the case to the Minnesota Supreme Court. Coleman could also pursue a separate federal appeal.

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onehandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 06:43 PM
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1. Senator-Elect Al Franken nt
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Taverner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 06:47 PM
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2. Just get it over - Franken won
Just get it over
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NOW tense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 07:06 PM
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3. He needs to be there for Health Care. n/t
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DLnyc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 07:30 PM
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4. Norm raised $74,400 so far for progressive candidates
Dear ---===,

Our system processed your Weekly donation of $7. This recurring contribution is set to end 3/13/2011. Your billing profile ID *************** and the confirmation number for this month's transaction is *******************.

We'll keep a tally of our progress at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee website:

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And feel free to share on Facebook and Twitter! On Twitter, please use #politics #NormDollar.


--The folks at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee & Democracy for America

P.S. If you clicked the "Until I contact you" option instead of choosing an exact date the computer software may have designated a random end date up above. Don't worry -- contributions will cut off when Norm concedes. Thanks for helping pressure him to do so!
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machI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 05:42 AM
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5. I hope Al Franken is seated in time to vote on the Supreme Court nominee
It would send a clear message to the people of the United States to have President Obama's initial choice for the Supreme Court sail right through without the minority Republicans stalling the process. The adults are here to clean up the mess left by little George, and no obstruction by the hateful Rethugs will be tolerated.
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No Elephants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 05:47 AM
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6. This is Franken's second trip to Washington. The first was to the Senate, this one to Biden: My
Edited on Thu May-07-09 05:50 AM by No Elephants
take: Franken asked Reid to use the Constitutional power of the Senate to seat Franken and Reid refused. Now, Franken is appealing to Biden. Just my gut, nothing to back it up with.

Whether my hunch is right or not, if you have any Democratic Senators, PLEASE contact him, her or them and ask that Al be seated. The Senate does have the Constitutional power to seat Al. (See, Article I, Section 5 and the official senate explanation; see also,

And, while you're at it, please beg them to replace Reid. The Senate could easily have seated Al this before Coleman appealed the recount. Now, it may be a matter of separation of powers, though. Reid stinks.

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JNelson6563 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 07:43 AM
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7. Can't wait til it's officially Senator Franken.
:toast: :patriot:
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