Marine LogMay 22, 2009
Maersk Virginia escapes pirate attack
Another Maersk Line Limited U.S.-flag ship--the Maersk Virginia--has had a brush with Somali pirates. Media reports say that an attack on the ship was foiled this morning by Canadian and Italian naval helicopters.
The incident occurred after naval helicopters thwarted an attack on the St. Vincent and Grenadines registered Maria K. The pirates then turned their attention to the Maersk Virginia. That attack, too, was interrupted by naval helicopters.
Media reports differ on which helicopters from HMCS Winnipeg and which from the Italian frigate Maestrale did what, but the upshot is that the Maestrale arrived on scene and nine pirate suspects are now in detention on board the Italian warship.
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here is another account
Friday morning suspected pirates attacked two different merchant vessels in the Gulf of Aden. A distress call was picked up by the Italian EU NAVFOR warship MAESTRALE that immediately sent a helicopter to the area. The pirates however turned their interest towards another merchant vessel being in the area, a Danish owned ship. By a boarding team thereafter sent out from the MAESTRALE, after arriving at the scene, the nine pirates were captured. They are at present being detained at the MAESTRALE for further investigation. conflicting account :
As the helicopters made for the vessel, the pirates broke off the attack on the Maria K towards the Maersk Virginia.
The Canadian helicopters were then joined by an Italian helicopter.
When confronted by the helicopters, the pirates gave up their attack and threw their weapons overboard. The pirate vessel was later boarded by Italian navy forces.
The Maersk Virginia is part of the US Maritime Security Programme, the same fleet as the Maersk Alabama, which was hijacked in April. Its master was held captive on a lifeboat for four days before being rescued by US forces.;jsessionid=E6DAE7A2A18A3885F69C969E36AA0ABDthe 19 Americans aboard are safe

the italian frigate "Maestrale"