The Washington PostAgriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today issued a temporary order governing development in "roadless" areas of national forests, requiring all new projects to be approved by him personally.
Vilsack's order, which will last only a year, is the latest turn in an eight-year battle over 58.5 million acres of pristine woods. President Clinton made these areas off-limits in 2001, but Bush effectively re-opened some in 2005. That began a series of court cases that ultimately replaced that national policy with a patchwork of regional rules.
Today Vilsack, whose purview includes the U.S. Forest Service, did what environmental groups had been urging: call a "time-out."
"You've got communities and workers and capital tied up while -- basically, while the feds figure out what they want to be when they grow up," Matson said.
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I liked that last sentence.