Mar 1, 7:13 AM (ET)
WASHINGTON (AP) - Tune in to a NASCAR race on Fox Sports Net sometime soon, and you'll see a political ad praising President Bush. Same for the Golf Channel or Dennis Miller's new talk show on CNBC.
The first advertising of Bush's re-election campaign begins Thursday, and the multimillion-dollar buy, the cable stations chosen for the spots and the type of ad provide a window on his spring strategy: appeal to the conservative base.
The campaign also looks to make inroads with Hispanics, the nation's fastest growing minority group.
Bush's approval ratings have dropped steeply after months of criticism by Democrats out to take his job. Campaign officials are directing his ads on national cable channels to energize core supporters and, perhaps, boost his national poll numbers.
At least $4.5 million worth of airtime has been bought on CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and other networks for ads over three weeks. Political analysts say it's the first significant advertising buy on national cable stations by a presidential campaign.