Posted on Tue, Mar. 02, 2004
Some S. Florida Hispanics unhappy with Cuba policy
A new poll suggests a growing number of South Florida Hispanic voters have concerns about the Bush administration's handling of Cuba policy.
Months of growing tensions over the Bush administration's approach to Cuba are taking a toll on the president's standing among Cuban Americans -- one of the Republican Party's most crucial voting groups in Florida -- just as his reelection campaign is getting under way, according to a new poll.
The survey shows that more than one-third of South Florida Hispanic voters -- a group consisting primarily of GOP-leaning Cuban Americans -- disapproves of the job the president has done ''promoting democracy and regime change'' in Fidel Castro's Cuba.
Democratic strategists believe that if they can peel away even a portion of the Cuban-American electorate, their nominee can win Florida -- and the White House -- just as President Clinton did in 1996, when he won an estimated 40 percent of the Cuban vote.
The poll results come as the Democratic National Committee is devising a strategy to court Cuban-American voters using a massive advertising campaign designed to paint Bush as insincere on the issues important to them.